Let your mind to be opened to explore the truth
This is my way (ISLAM); I invite to Allah with insight :12-No Sura Yousuf: Verse-108.”

An Index to the Qur'an-3


l Native peoples

¡ don't drive them out, 2:84

n reject those who do, 2:85

¡ driven out of their homelands, 3:195

l Necessity

¡ dire circumstances may repeal ordinances forbidding something, 5:3, 16:115

l Nepotism disallowed, 33:40

l Night, 25:47

l Noah, 3:33, 6:84, 7:59-64, 7:69, 9:70, 10:71, 11:25-33, 11:36-48, 11:89, 14:9, 17:3, 17:17, 19:58,

21:76, 22:42, 23:23-29, 25:37, 26:105-120, 29:14, 37:75-79, 38:12, 40:5, 40:31, 42:13, 50:12,

51:46, 53:52, 54:9, 57:26, 66:10

¡ ark, 7:64, 10:73, 11:37-38, 11:40, 23:27, 29:15, 54:13-14, 69:11, 71:1-28

n came to rest on Mt. Judi, 11:44

¡ flood, 7:64, 10:73, 11:40-44, 25:37, 29:120, 29:14, 54:11-12, 71:25

l Nuclear physics

¡ things smaller than an atom (originally meant as "ant"?), 10:61, 34:3


l Oaths, 2:224, 16:91, 16:92, 16:94, 48:10

¡ atonement for broken ones, 5:89

n feeding or clothing 10, freeing a slave, fasting for 3 days, 5:89

l Old Testament

¡ followers of, 4:153

l Olive, 95:1

l Olive trees, 80:29

l Oppression, 2:193, 8:39

¡ blame is on oppressors, 42:42

¡ defend against, 42:39

¡ more awesome than killing, 2:191, 2:217

l Orphans, 2:220, 4:6, 4:127, 93:7

¡ leave their possessions, 4:2-3, 4:10, 17:34


l Patriarchy, 33:5

l Pearls, 35:33, 52:24, 55:22, 55:58, 56:23, 76:19

l Pen, 68:1, 96:4

l Persecuted

¡ people, 8:72

n protect them unless they under a regime with whom you have a covenant, 8:72

¡ those who are protectors of, 8:72, 8:74

l Persecutors, 85:10

l Pharaoh, 7:104-137, 8:52, 8:54, 10:75-90, 11:97, 14:6, 20:24, 20:43, 20:56, 20:60, 20:78, 23:46,

26:10-66, 27:12, 28:3-42, 29:39, 38:12, 40:24-46, 43:46-85, 44:17, 44:31, 50:13, 51:38-40, 54:41-

42, 66:11, 69:9, 73:15-16, 79:17-25, 85:18

¡ punishment of, 3:11, 20:78-79, 26:66, 28:40, 43:55, 44:24, 51:40, 89:18

¡ torture by and deliverance from, 2:49, 17:103

l Piety, 2:177

l Pollution, 30:41

l Poets, 21:5, 26:224, 37:36, 52:30

l Pomegranates, 55:68

l Prayer, 2:45, 9:103, 51:18, 70:22-23, 75:31, 96:10, 108:2

¡ beautify (adorn) yourselves for, 7:31

¡ content, 2:285-286, 3:8-9, 3:16, 3:147, 3:191-194, 17:80-81, 17:111, 23:118, 59:10, 66:8

¡ day of congregation (Friday), 62:9

¡ for the right reasons, 107:4-6

¡ of Abraham, 2:126-129, 9:114, 14:35-41, 26:83-89

¡ of Joseph, 12:101

¡ of Moses, 20:25-35

¡ of Noah, 23:26, 26:117-118, 71:26, 71:28

¡ of Solomon, 38:35

¡ of Zachariah, 19:8, 19:10

¡ not while drunk, 4:43

¡ prostration, 3:113, 7:206, 9:112, 15:98, 16:48, 16:49, 22:18, 22:26, 22:77, 25:60, 25:64,

26:219, 32:15, 39:9, 41:37, 48:29, 50:40, 53:62, 76:26, 96:19

¡ restrains one from loathesome deeds, 29:45

¡ sacred duty linked to time of day, 4:103

¡ standing, 39:9

¡ style of, 2:238, 17:110

¡ times of day of, 11:114, 17:78, 17:79, 20:130, 24:36, 24:58, 30:17-18, 32:16, 38:18, 50:39-

40, 51:17, 52:48-49, 73:2-4, 76:25-26

¡ while in danger, 2:239, 4:101-102

l Pregnancy, 7:189, 13:8, 31:34, 32:8, 39:6, 41:47, 53:32

¡ Allah's spirit is breathed into the fetus, 32:9

l Privacy, 24:27-29

¡ nakedness at mid-day, 24:58-59

¡ Prophet's household, 33:53, 49:4-5

¡ sharing food, 24:61

l Prophet

¡ accept him who confirms earlier revelation, 3:81

¡ charity during consultation with, 58:12

¡ don't aquire slaves except through war, 8:67

¡ don't raise your voice above, 49:2

¡ has come to you, 9:128

¡ has highest claim on allegiance of believers, 33:6

¡ keeps awake 2/3 1/2 or 1/3 of the night praying, 73:20

¡ miracles only by Allah's leave, 40:78

¡ only mortal human, 12:109, 16:43, 21:7-8, 25:7

¡ people who are false prophets are wicked, 6:93, 6:143-144, 6:157, 7:37, 10:17, 11:18,

29:68, 39:32, 61:7

¡ prophecy in language of target population, 14:4, 16:89

¡ purpose of, 2:213, 6:48, 6:130, 14:4-6

¡ some not mentioned, 40:78

¡ some superior, 2:253, 17:55

¡ those who came before had wives and children, 13:38

¡ wives

n rewards and punishments, 33:30-31

n will be let go if they desire, 33:28-29

l Psalms, 4:163

¡ given to David, 4:163


l Qarun, 28:76-81, 29:39, 40:24

l Quail, 7:160

l Qur'an, 4:82, 5:16, 7:204, 9:111, 10:15, 10:37, 11:13, 11:14, 12:3, 15:87, 15:91, 16:98, 17:9,

17:41, 17:45, 17:46, 17:60, 17:82, 17:88, 17:89, 18:54, 20:2, 20:114, 25:4, 25:6, 25:30, 25:32,

27:1, 27:6, 27:76, 27:92, 28:85, 30:58, 34:31, 36:2, 38:1, 39:27, 41:26, 41:44, 42:7, 43:31, 46:12,

46:29, 47:24, 50:1, 50:45, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40, 55:2, 56:75, 59:21, 69:40, 73:4, 73:20, 76:23,


¡ bestowed on a blessed night, 44:3, 97:1-5

¡ clear ordinances, 98:3

¡ completion of, 5:3

¡ conveyed clearly, 5:16, 10:15

¡ distortion of, 5:41

¡ divine nature of, 10:37

¡ don't approach it in haste, 20:114

¡ easy to understand, 44:58

¡ full of wisdom, 36:2

¡ guidance to humans, 2:185

¡ invisible barrier during recitation, 17:45

¡ is not Muhammed's sayings, 69:44

¡ not from a satanic force, 81:25

¡ not poetry, 36:69, 69:41

¡ recite as much as you may do with ease, 73:20

¡ revealed in Arabic, 12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 20:113, 26:195, 39:28, 41:3, 43:3, 44:58

¡ sent forth "in waves" (gradually), 77:1

¡ some verses direct, some allegorical, 3:7

¡ source of health, 17:82, 41:44

¡ upon an imperishable tablet, 85:21-22

l Quraysh, 106:1


l Rabbis

¡ some

n devour people's possessions, 9:34

n taken as lords, 9:31

n turn people away from Allah, 9:34

l Ramadhan, 2:185

¡ and sex during the night, 2:187

l Record of personal deeds

¡ -, 17:13, 18:49, 36:12, 54:53

l Red Sea

¡ parting of, 2:50, 20:77-78, 26:63-66

l Refugees, 59:8

l Religion, 110:2

¡ divergence of opinion, 3:19, 42:14, 45:17, 51:8, 78:3, 98:4

¡ draws together former enemies, 3:103

¡ false ideas upon things allowed and forbidden, 16:116

¡ falsely follow other people's conjectures, 6:116, 6:119

¡ falsely guided by ancestral concept of, 43:22

¡ is not play and transient delight, 6:70, 7:51, 47:36

¡ is self surrender to Allah, 3:85

¡ no coercion in matters of faith, 2:256

¡ no hardship in, 22:78

¡ same as it was for the ones before you, 42:13

¡ try and penetrate deepest meaning of, 4:162

¡ use reason in, 3:65, 8:22

¡ wickedness of attributing one's own lying inventions to Allah, 6:21

l Religious

¡ sects, 6:159, 30:32, 43:65

¡ should stay together, 3:103

l Resurrection, 30:27, 83:4

¡ Day, 2:113, 2:212, 3:77, 3:161, 3:180, 3:185, 3:194, 4:87, 4:109, 4:141, 4:159, 5:14, 5:36,

5:64, 6:12, 6:73, 7:32, 7:167, 10:93, 11:59, 11:60, 11:98, 11:99, 16:25, 16:27, 16:92,

16:124, 17:13, 17:52, 17:58, 17:62, 17:97, 18:47, 18:105, 19:95, 20:100-102, 20:124, 21:47,

22:9, 22:17, 22:69, 23:16, 25:69, 26:87, 28:41-42, 28:61, 28:71, 28:72-81, 28:85, 29:13,

29:25, 30:40, 30:56, 31:34, 32:25, 35:14, 38:79, 39:15, 39:24, 39:31, 39:47, 39:60, 39:67-

75, 40:46, 41:40, 41:47, 41:50, 42:17, 42:18, 42:45, 45:17, 45:26, 46:5, 50:42, 54:6-8, 58:6,

58:7, 58:18, 60:3, 68:39, 75:1, 75:6, 78:18, 80:33-42, 85:2, 88:1

¡ followers of Jesus above non-believers, 3:55

¡ of humans, 13:5, 16:39, 17:51, 17:98-99, 20:55, 22:7, 22:66, 25:40, 29:20, 30:11, 34:7,

36:12, 36:79, 41:39, 43:11, 46:33, 53:47, 56:61, 63:7, 71:18, 75:3, 80:22, 85:13, 86:8

¡ moon is darkened, 75:8

¡ of soul, 2:28, 30:25, 31:28

¡ sun and moon brought together (solar eclipse or solar expansion?), 75:9

l Revelation, 42:52, 43:4, 45:16, 46:12, 47:20, 52:2-3, 56:80, 57:16, 57:25, 57:26, 66:12, 69:43,

74:31, 74:52, 80:13, 98:1, 98:4, 98:6

¡ every age has had its own, 13:38

¡ from behind a veil, 42:51

¡ mentioning war, 47:20

¡ nature of delivery, 42:51, 53:2-11

l Ruby, 55:58

l Sabbath, 16:124

¡ breakers, 2:65, 4:47, 4:154-155, 7:163-166


l Sabians, 22:17

¡ righteous will be rewarded, 2:62, 5:69

l Sacrifice, 108:2

l Salih, 7:73-79, 11:61, 11:89, 26:142-158, 27:45-52

l Samaritan, 20:85, 20:87, 20:95

l Saul, 2:247, 2:249

l Sea, 2:50, 2:164, 5:96, 6:59, 6:63, 7:138, 7:163, 10:22, 10:90, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 17:67, 17:70,

18:60, 18:61, 18:63, 18:79, 18:109, 20:77, 22:65, 24:40, 26:63, 27:63, 30:41, 31:27, 31:31, 42:33,

45:12, 52:6, 55:24, 81:6

¡ darkness in the depths of, 24:40

l Sex

¡ conception and pregnancy (see Pregnancy)

¡ consort with wives in a goodly manner, 4:19

¡ don't force female slaves into prostitution, 24:33

¡ during Ramadhan, 2:187

¡ is what your spouse is for, 2:187, 2:222-223

¡ with slaves is legal (alternate interpretation), 23:6, 33:50, 33:52, 70:30

l Sexes

¡ created from one living entity (soul), 4:1, 6:98

¡ each entitled to own earnings, 4:32

¡ equality of, 3:195, 4:32, 4:124, 6:139, 9:67, 9:68, 9:71, 9:72, 16:97, 33:35, 33:58, 33:73,

40:40, 42:49, 42:50, 47:19, 48:5, 48:6, 57:13, 57:18, 60:10

n in divorce, 2:228

¡ guides for one another, 9:71

¡ men provide for women, 4:34

l Sheba, 27:22-41, 34:15

l Ships, 2:164, 10:22, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 18:71, 18:79, 22:65, 23:22, 29:65, 30:46, 31:31, 35:12,

36:41, 37:140, 40:80, 42:32, 43:12, 45:12, 55:24

l Shu'ayb, 7:85-93, 11:84-95, 26:177-189, 29:36

l Sight, 41:22

l Silk, 22:23, 44:53, 76:12, 76:21

l Silver, 43:33-34, 76:15-16, 76:21

l Sin, 4:111

¡ avoiding, 4:31

¡ blaming another, 4:112

l Sinai, Mt., 2:63, 2:93, 19:52, 95:2

l Skin, 2:187, 41:22

l Sky, 88:18

¡ still smoke, 41:11

l Slaves, 4:3, 4:24, 4:25, 4:36, 16:71, 23:6, 24:31, 24:58, 30:28, 33:50, 33:52, 33:55, 70:30

¡ aquisition only though war, 8:67

¡ don't force female slaves into prostitution, 24:33

¡ freeing

n after war is over, 47:4

n as penance for a broken oath, 5:89

n as penance for death of believer fighting against you, 4:92

n charity is for freeing (among other things), 9:60

n is the act of a truly pious person, 2:177

n those who ask you to who have any good in them, 24:33

l Solomon, 2:101, 4:163, 6:84, 21:78, 21:79, 21:81, 27:15-21, 34:12-14

¡ and the Queen of Sheba, 27:22-41

¡ discovery of the death of, 34:14-16

l Sorcery

¡ is evil, 2:101

l Spider, 29:41

l Spouses (a time when they are evil for you), 64:14

l Stealing

¡ cutting off hands as punishment, 5:38

n forgiveness for (before discovery), 5:39

¡ is wrong even through the judiciary, 2:188

l Swine, 5:60

l Synagogues, 22:40


l Tabuk

¡ Allah's mercy towards those on expedition to, 9:118

l Ten Commandments, 2:53, 7:145

l Thamud, 7:73, 9:70, 11:61, 11:95, 14:9, 15:80, 17:59, 22:42, 25:38, 26:141, 27:45-52, 29:38,

38:13, 40:31, 41:13, 41:17, 50:12, 51:43, 53:51, 54:23-31, 69:4, 69:5, 85:18, 88:9, 91:11

¡ rock dwellings, 7:74, 15:82, 26:149, 88:9

¡ she camel, 7:73, 11:64, 26:155, 54:26, 91:13

n killing of, 7:77, 11:66, 26:157, 54:29, 91:14

n punishment for, 7:78, 11:67, 26:158, 54:31, 91:14

l Time, 103:1

l Torah, 3:3, 3:93, 5:44, 5:46, 5:66, 5:68, 5:110, 7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 61:6, 62:5

¡ retribution in (also adopted by Muslims), 5:45

n forgoing it will be better, 5:45

l Treachery, 8:58

l Tree

¡ at Hudaybiyyah, 48:18

¡ of hell, 17:60, 37:62-63, 56:52

l Trees, 22:18, 23:20, 27:60, 31:27, 36:80, 55:6, 56:72

l Trinity

¡ Allah is not a, 4:171, 5:73

l Tubba, 44:37, 50:14

l Twelve tribes, 7:159

¡ scattering of, 7:168

l Two Horned One, 18:83


l Uhud

¡ battle of, 3:121-123, 3:143, 3:152-154, 3:166

l Usury, 30:39

¡ delay repayment (forgiving debt is better), 2:278

¡ forbidden, 2:275, 3:130

¡ forgive debt, 2:278

¡ Jews took it even though forbidden to, 4:161


l Water, 47:15, 56:31, 56:68, 67:30, 77:27, 88:17

¡ two great bodies of, 25:53, 27:61, 35:12, 55:19, 55:21

l Weather

¡ clouds, 7:57, 7:160, 24:40, 24:43, 25:25, 30:48, 35:9, 52:44, 56:69

n and their patterns, 2:164

¡ hail, 24:43

¡ lifting, 30:48, 35:9

¡ lightning, 13:12, 30:24

n striking people, 13:13

¡ rain, 2:163, 2:265, 6:99, 7:57, 8:11, 10:24, 13:17, 14:32, 15:22, 16:65, 18:45, 20:53, 22:5,

22:63, 23:18, 24:43, 25:48, 27:60, 29:63, 30:24, 30:48, 31:10, 31:34, 32:27, 35:27, 39:21,

40:13, 41:39, 42:28, 42:33, 43:11, 45:5, 46:24, 50:9, 56:69, 57:20, 78:14, 80:25

n and fighting, 4:102

¡ storms, 17:68, 17:69

¡ thunder, 13:13

¡ wind, 7:57, 14:18, 15:22, 17:68, 21:81, 25:48, 27:63, 29:40, 30:46, 30:48, 30:51, 33:9,

34:12, 35:9, 38:36, 41:16, 45:5, 46:24, 51:1-4, 51:41, 52:27, 54:19, 67:17, 69:6, 78:14

n to pollinate, 15:22

l Widows

¡ provisions for one year, 2:240

n year in husband's home, 2:240

¡ wait four months and ten days before remarriage, 2:234

n OK to plan remarriage during waiting period, 2:235

l Wills, 2:180, 2:240

¡ amending forbidden, 2:181-182

¡ two witnesses when you declare it, 5:106

n if those two should falter, 5:107

l Wine, 47:15, 83:25

l Wools, 16:80

l Women

¡ accept those seeking refuge from non-believing husbands, 60:10

¡ gross moral depravity, 4:15

n punishment for, 4:15

n repentence, 4:16

¡ ill willed, 4:34

n punishment for, 4:34

¡ lack of outer garments for older, 24:60

¡ pledges of believing women, 60:12

¡ righteous guard intimacies revealed to them, 4:34, 66:3-6

¡ term (time) of pregnancy (see Pregnancy)


l Zachariah, 3:37-41, 6:85, 19:2-12


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