Let your mind to be opened to explore the truth
This is my way (ISLAM); I invite to Allah with insight :12-No Sura Yousuf: Verse-108.”

An Index to the Qur'an-2


l Gabriel, 2:97, 66:4

l Games of Chance

¡ forbidden, 2:219, 5:20, 5:91

l Geographic locations and History

¡ As Safa and Al Marwah, 2:158

¡ first temple at Bakkah, 3:96

l Ginger, 76:12

l Goddesses of the pagan Arabs, 53:19

¡ names of, 53:19-20

¡ nature of, 53:19-28

l Gods of pre-Islamic Arabs by name, 71:23

l Gog and Magog, 21:96

l Gold, 35:33, 43:35, 43:71, 56:15

l Golden armlets, 43:53

l Golden Calf, 2:51, 2:54, 4:153, 7:148, 7:152, 20:88

¡ and thunderbolt of punishment, 2:55

¡ forgiven after destruction of, 2:36-37

l Goliath, 2:249

¡ and David, 2:251

l Gospel, 3:3, 3:65, 5:46-47, 5:66, 5:68, 5:77, 5:110, 7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 57:27

l Government

¡ decision making in public matters, 3:159

¡ rulers make decisions after consultations, 42:38

l Grain, 36:33, 55:12

l Grave, 9:84, 22:7, 35:22, 36:51, 54:7, 60:13, 70:43, 77:26, 80:21, 82:4, 100:9, 102:2

l Greed (see Materialism)

l Greetings, 4:86

l Guardianship

¡ proper conduct of, 4:5-6, 6:151

¡ punishment for bad ones, 4:10

¡ when to end it, 4:6

¡ witnesses required to end it, 4:6


l Hagar

¡ and Ishmael, 2:158

l Hajj, 2:158, 2:189, 2:196-199, 22:27-36

¡ abstention from quarreling during, 2:197

¡ duty to visit Mecca (Makkah), 3:97

¡ exemption from, 2:196

¡ fasting during, 2:196

¡ hunting forbidden, 5:1, 5:94-95

n aquatic game approved during, 5:96

n violate it once? Don't do it twice!, 5:95

n reparations for doing it once, 5:95

¡ rules, 5:2

¡ sacrifice during, 2:196

l Haman, 28:6, 28:8, 28:38, 29:39, 40:24, 40:36

l Harut and Marut, 2:102

l Health rules, 41:44

¡ children

n breast feed for two years, 2:233, 31:34

¡ food, 2:173, 5:1, 5:3, 5:5, 5:96, 6:118-119, 6:121, 6:142, 6:145-146, 16:115

n caught by your hunting animals, 5:4

¡ intoxicants forbidden (see Intoxicants)

¡ menstruation, 2:222

l Hearing, 41:22

l Heaven, 2:25, 3:15, 3:136, 3:181, 3:195, 3:198

¡ filled with mighty guards and flames, 72:8

¡ immortal youths in, 56:17, 76:19

¡ parents united with offspring, 52:21, 56:36

¡ pure spouses in, 2:25, 3:15

¡ several, 2:29, 2:164, 3:129, 6:73, 6:101, 17:44, 55:30, 65:12, 67:3, 71:15, 78:12

¡ virgin mates of modest gaze, 55:56, 55:72-74, 56:22

l Hell (the fire, the blazing flame), 2:24, 2:119, 2:161, 2:166, 2:201, 3:10, 3:12, 3:116, 3:131, 3:151,

3:162, 3:192, 4:55-56, 4:93, 4:97, 4:114, 4:121, 4:169, 5:10, 5:37, 5:72, 5:86, 6:27, 6:70, 6:128,

7:18, 7:36, 7:38, 7:41, 7:50, 7:179, 8:16, 8:36, 8:50, 9:17, 9:35, 9:49, 9:63, 9:68, 9:73, 9:81, 9:95,

9:109, 9:113, 10:8, 10:27, 11:16, 11:17, 11:98, 11:106, 11:113, 11:119, 13:5, 13:18, 13:35, 14:16,

14:49, 15:43, 16:29, 16:62, 17:8, 17:18, 17:39, 17:63, 17:97, 18:29, 18:53, 18:100, 18:106, 19:68,

19:70, 19:86, 20:74, 21:39, 21:98, 22:4, 22:9, 22:19-22, 22:51, 22:72, 23:103-104, 24:57, 25:11-

13, 25:34, 25:65, 26:91, 26:94, 27:90, 28:41, 29:25, 29:54, 29:68, 31:21, 32:13, 32:20, 33:64,

33:66, 34:12, 34:42, 35:6, 35:36, 36:63, 37:10, 37:23, 37:55, 37:63, 37:68, 37:163, 38:27, 38:56,

38:59, 38:61, 38:64, 38:85, 39:8, 39:16, 39:19, 39:32, 39:60, 39:71, 39:72, 40:6, 40:7, 40:41,

40:43, 40:46, 40:47, 40:49, 40:60, 40:72, 40:76, 41:19, 41:24, 41:28, 41:40, 42:7, 43:74, 44:47,

44:56, 45:10, 45:34, 45:35, 46:20, 46:34, 47:12, 47:15, 48:6, 48:13, 50:24, 50:30, 51:13, 52:13-16,

52:18, 54:48, 55:43, 56:94, 57:15, 57:19, 58:8, 58:17, 59:3, 59:17, 59:20, 64:10, 66:6, 66:9, 66:10,

67:5-10, 69:31, 70:15, 71:25, 72:15, 72:23, 73:12-13, 74:26-31, 74:42, 76:4, 77:31, 78:21, 79:36,

79:39, 81:12, 82:14, 83:16, 84:12, 85:10, 87:12, 88:4, 89:23, 90:20, 92:14, 98:6, 101:9-11, 102:6,

104:6-9, 111:3

¡ burning despair and ice cold darkness in, 38:57

¡ chain of 70 cubits, 69:32

¡ inmates will neither die nor remain alive, 87:13

¡ stay for a limited duration, 78:23

l History

¡ study it, 3:137, 12:110-111, 14:5

l Homosexuality

¡ regarded as evil, 26:165-166, 27:55, 29:28-29

l Honey, 16:69, 47:15

l Horses, 16:8, 17:64

l Housing, 16:80

l Hud, 7:65-72, 11:50-57, 11:89, 26:124-138, 46:21-25

l Humankind, 55:33, 91:7-8

¡ born with a restless disposition, 70:19

¡ created in fine form, 95:4

¡ created in pairs, 78:8, 92:3

¡ creation of, 2:30, 4:1, 6:98, 7:189, 10:4, 15:26, 15:28, 15:33, 39:6, 71:14, 96:2

n from a drop of sperm, 16:4, 18:37, 22:5, 23:13, 35:11, 36:77, 40:67, 53:46, 75:37,

76:2, 80:19

n from clay, 6:2, 7:12, 15:26, 17:61, 23:12, 32:7, 38:71, 38:76, 55:14

n with water, 37:11

n from dark transmuted slime, 15:26, 15:28, 15:33

n from dust, 3:59, 18:37, 22:5, 30:20, 35:11, 40:67, 53:32

n from earth, 11:61

n from seminal fluid, 86:6

n from male and female, 49:13

¡ diversity in, 30:22, 35:28

¡ given free will, 36:67

¡ grows gradually from the earth, 71:17

¡ insignificant compared to the Universe, 40:57

¡ mates of your own kind, 16:72, 30:21, 42:11

¡ selfishness ever present in soul, 4:128

¡ vilest are those who don't use reason, 8:22, 8:55

l Hunayn, 9:25

l Hunting

¡ about animals trained to hunt, 5:4

l Hur'in (a.k.a. Houries), 44:54, 52:20, 55:72, 56:22

l Hydrology, 14:32, 16:15, 39:21

¡ scum, 13:17

l Hypocrites, 2:217, 4:38, 5:61, 9:61-70, 9:73-110

¡ praying for them does no good, 9:84, 9:113


l Iblis (Satan), 2:34, 3:155, 3:175, 4:38, 4:60, 4:76, 4:116, 4:119-120, 4:140, 4:145, 5:90, 5:91,

6:38, 6:43, 6:68, 7:11-12, 7:20, 7:21, 7:27, 7:175, 7:200, 7:201, 8:11, 8:48, 12:5, 12:42, 12:100,

14:22, 15:31-40, 16:63, 16:98, 17:27, 17:53, 17:61, 17:64, 18:50, 18:63, 19:44, 19:45, 20:116,

20:120, 22:52, 22:53, 24:21, 25:29, 26:95, 27:24, 28:15, 29:38, 31:21, 34:20-21, 35:6, 36:60,

37:65, 38:41, 38:74-85, 41:36, 43:62, 47:25, 58:10, 58:19, 59:16

l Idolatry

¡ forbidden, 5:90, 6:145

l Idris, 19:56-57, 21:85

l Immorality

¡ punish both, 4:15

n repentance cancels punishment, 4:15

n deathbed repentance excluded, 4:18

¡ women, 4:15

n four witnesses required in order to "convict", 4:15

l Imposters

¡ religious, 2:78

¡ punishment for, 2:78

l Imran, House of, 3:33

l In sha' Allah, 18:23

l Inheritance, 2:180, 4:176, 89:19

¡ apportionment to

n children and parents, 4:11

n other kin, orphans, and the needy, 4:8

n siblings, 4:12

n widows and widowers, 4:12

¡ don't hold unloved wives for, 4:19

¡ for men, 4:7

¡ for women, 4:7

¡ summary, 4:33

l Interest on loans (see Usury)

l Intoxicants, 16:67

¡ don't pray while drunk, 4:43

¡ forbidden except in dire circumstances, 2:219, 5:90, 5:91

l Iram, 89:7-8

l Iron, 57:25

l Isaac, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:5, 12:6, 12:38, 14:39, 21:72, 37:112-113, 38:45

l Ishmael, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:86, 14:39, 21:85, 37:102-109, 38:48

¡ and Hagar, 2:158


l Jacob (Israel), 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 6:85, 11:71, 12:38, 12:68, 19:6, 19:49-50, 19:58, 21:72

l Jesus, 4:163, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:30-34, 21:91, 23:50, 33:7, 61:6, 61:14

¡ bears witness on Resurrection Day, 4:159

¡ Christians asked not to deify, 4:171

¡ creation of, 3:45-49, 19:22

¡ disciples, 3:52, 61:14

¡ divergent views about, 43:65

¡ followers above others on Resurrection day, 3:55

¡ healing of blind and lepers, raising the dead, 5:110

¡ his holy inspiration, 2:87, 2:252, 5:110

¡ his nature is as Adam's, 3:59

¡ is the means to know Judgement Day (alternate translation), 43:61

¡ Jews boast of killing, 4:157

¡ not Allah, 5:17, 5:72, 5:116

¡ only a messenger, 4:171, 4:172, 5:75, 19:30

¡ only seemed slain and crucified, 4:157

¡ resurrected, 4:158

¡ resurrection foretold, 3:55, 19:33

¡ truth about him will be realized when people die, 4:159

l Jews, 5:69, 22:17

¡ and Christians, 2:120, 2:139, 3:75, 5:68

n messenger comes to them, 5:32

n enmity and hatred among them, 5:64

n fights between, 2:113

n food restrictions, 6:146

n have no rights to claim Allah's bounty exclusively, 57:29

n heaven not only for them, 2:111

n say they are "Allah's Children", 5:18

¡ believe in but few things, 4:155

¡ claim that they alone are close to Allah, 2:94, 62:6

¡ denied good things of life, 4:160

n reasons for, 4:161

¡ foods which are forbidden for, 6:146

¡ good deeds of ancestors don't count, 2:136

¡ hurting themselves by their misinterpretations, 5:64

¡ mistaken to believe in their own revelations only, 2:91

¡ most have forgotten what they've been told to bear in mind, 5:13

¡ most hostile to Muslims, 5:82

¡ ransoming each other during the Prophet's life, 2:85

¡ religious commandments, 2:43, 2:84-85, 5:32

¡ retribution given in the Torah, 5:45

¡ righteous will be rewarded, 2:62, 5:65, 5:69

¡ say "Ezra is Allah's Son", 9:30

¡ say "Our hearts are full of knowledge.", 2:88, 4:155

¡ slaying prophets, 2:61, 3:21, 3:112, 3:181, 3:183, 4:155, 4:157, 5:70

¡ some distort meanings of all revelations, 4:46, 5:13, 5:41

n forgive them, 5:13

¡ warning to, 4:47

l Jihad (fighting, striving, struggling, endeavoring)

¡ non-believing parents trying to persuade a believer to polytheism, 29:8, 31:15

¡ striving hard against disbelievers, 9:73, 25:52, 66:9

¡ striving hard in Allah's cause, 2:218, 3:142, 4:95, 5:35, 5:54, 8:72, 8:74-75, 9:16, 9:19-20,

9:24, 9:44, 9:86, 9:88, 22:78, 29:6, 29:69, 49:15, 60:1, 61:11

l Jinn, 6:100, 6:112, 6:128, 6:130, 7:179, 11:119, 15:27, 17:88, 18:50, 27:17, 32:13, 34:12, 34:14,

37:158, 41:25, 41:29, 46:18, 46:29, 51:56, 55:15, 55:33, 55:39, 55:56, 55:74, 72:1-15, 72:5, 72:6,


¡ created of fire, 15:27, 55:15

l Job, 4:163, 6:84, 21:83, 38:41-44

l John the Baptist, 3:38-40, 6:85, 6:86, 19:7-15, 21:90

l Jonah, 4:163, 6:86, 10:98, 21:87, 37:139-148, 68:48

l Jordan, 2:58

¡ enter humbly, 2:58, 7:161

¡ entry into, 5:21-26

¡ Jews allowed there, not due them, 2:58

l Joseph, 6:84, 12:4-101, 12:102, 40:34

¡ attempted seduction of, 12:23

¡ sold to an Egyptian, 12:21

l Judgement, 4:58, 5:8, 6:151-152, 37:53, 40:78, 45:21, 50:29, 51:6, 60:10, 69:18, 76:24, 82:9, 95:8

¡ be just, 5:8, 5:42

n don't let hate lead judgement astray, 5:8

¡ Day, 2:123, 2:177, 2:254, 3:9, 3:25, 3:106, 3:114, 4:41, 4:59, 4:136, 5:69, 5:119, 6:15-16,

6:40, 6:128, 7:8, 7:53, 7:187, 9:29, 9:35, 9:44, 9:45, 9:77, 9:99, 10:15, 10:28, 11:3, 11:8,

11:25, 11:84, 11:103, 11:105, 12:107, 14:21, 14:29, 14:30, 14:41, 14:42, 14:44, 14:48,

14:49, 15:36, 15:38, 16:77, 16:84, 16:87, 16:89, 16:111, 17:71, 17:104, 18:99, 18:100,

19:37-39, 19:75, 19:85, 20:15, 20:105-112, 21:49, 21:103-104, 22:2-7, 22:55-56, 24:37,

25:8, 25:11, 26:82, 27:83, 30:12, 30:14, 30:55, 32:14, 33:21, 33:44, 33:63, 33:66, 34:3,

37:20, 38:16, 38:26, 38:53, 39:13, 40:9, 40:27, 40:33, 40:51, 40:59, 42:7, 43:66, 43:83,

43:85, 44:40, 45:27, 45:32, 45:34, 45:35, 47:18, 50:20, 51:12, 52:45, 54:46, 54:48, 56:56,

58:22, 60:6, 64:9, 69:19-37, 70:26, 74:46, 76:7, 77:13-14, 77:38, 78:17, 79:6-14, 81:1-14,

82:15, 83:11, 99:1-8, 101:1

n messengers called together, 77:11

n are disbelievers really ready for, 10:51-52

n repentence then is too late, 40:85

n "childrens' hair turns grey", 73:17

n earth

n and mountains lifted and crushed, 69:14, 89:21

n levelled, 84:3

n riven asunder, 50:44

n severely shaken, 56:4

n will be convulsed and become like a moving sand-dune, 73:14

n flash of fire followed by smoke, 55:35

n moon split asunder, 54:1

n mountains

n like tufts of wool, 70:9, 101:5

n scattered like dust, 77:10

n shattered, 56:5

n vanish, 78:20

n will move, 52:10

n seas will burst beyond their bounds, 82:3

n skies

n and clouds will burst apart, 25:25

n flung open, 78:19

n like molten lead, 70:8

n red like burning oil, 55:37

n rent asunder, 55:37, 69:16, 73:18, 77:9, 82:1, 84:1

n will be rolled up, 21:104

n will bring forth a pall of smoke, 44:10

n stars

n effaced, 77:8

n scattered, 82:2

n three types of soul to judge

n those close to Allah, 56:10-11, 56:15-26, 56:88-89

n those evil, 56:9, 56:41-55, 56:92-94

n those righteous, 56:8, 56:27-38, 56:90-91

¡ use reason, 6:151

¡ verify reports and rumors, 49:6, 49:12


l Kabah, 2:125-127, 2:191, 2:217, 5:95, 5:97, 8:34, 9:7, 48:25, 48:27, 106:3

¡ creation of, 2:125

¡ enter it with shaved heads or short hair, 48:27

l Killing, 18:74, 18:80

¡ another believer inconceivable unless by mistake, 4:92, 48:25

n reparations for, 4:92

¡ deliberate killing of believer and punishment, 4:93

¡ don't, 6:151, 17:33, 25:68

¡ don't harm those offering peace, 4:90

¡ female children buried alive will ask for what crime she'd been killed, 81:8-9

¡ hypocrites will be slain in Medina during the "War of the Confederates", 33:60-61

¡ not for material gain, 4:94

¡ only during hostilities in progress, 2:191, 4:89, 4:91, 5:33, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:12

¡ oppression more awesome than, 2:191, 2:217

¡ punishment for murder and spreading corruption on Earth, 5:32

¡ retribution, 2:178, 17:33

l Knowledge

¡ literacy, 96:1-5

¡ study nature to aquire, 3:190, 6:99, 10:5-6, 13:3-4, 16:10-16

¡ travel to learn, 29:20

l Kufr (denial of the truth), 2:108, 3:52, 3:80, 3:167, 3:177, 5:41, 5:61, 9:12, 9:17, 9:23, 9:37, 9:74,

16:106, 49:7


l Language

¡ diversity in, 30:22

l Laws given by Allah and the Prophet, 33:36

l Life

¡ attraction of worldly, 3:14

¡ creatures consist mainly of water (See Biology)

¡ diversity, 30:22, 35:27-28

¡ extra-terrestrial, 22:18

¡ is sacred, 17:33

¡ good things made lawful, 5:5, 5:87, 5:88, 5:93, 7:32, 7:157, 16:114, 40:64, 45:16

¡ path toward contentment made easy, 80:20, 87:8, 92:7

l Lion, 74:15

l Literacy, 96:1-5

l Litigants, 38:21-24

l Livestock, 40:79

l Locusts, 54:7, 105:3

l Lot, 6:86, 7:80-84, 11:70, 11:74, 11:77-83, 11:89, 15:59-72, 21:71, 21:74, 22:43, 29:28, 29:32-33,

37:153, 38:13, 50:13, 54:33-39, 66:10

l Lote tree, 53:14, 53:16, 56:28

l Luqman, 31:13-19


l Madyan (Midian), 7:85-93, 9:70, 11:84-96, 15:78, 20:40, 22:44, 26:176, 26:160-173, 27:54-57,

28:22-23, 28:45, 29:36, 50:14

l Magians, 22:17

l Manna, 7:160, 20:80

l Marriage, 25:54

¡ adultery, 17:32

n evidence required (four witnesses), 24:4

n false accusers punishment, 24:4, 24:19, 24:23

n forbidden, 17:32, 25:68

n if there aren't four witnesses, 24:6-9

n marriage after, 24:3

n punishment for, 24:2

¡ appoint arbiter from among you when fearing a breach, 4:35

¡ complaints, 58:1

¡ don't hold wives against their will, 4:19

¡ dowry, 4:4, 4:19-21, 4:24, 4:25, 5:5, 60:10, 60:11

n other mutually agreed arrangements, 4:24

n woman may return it, 4:4

¡ forbidden

n to certain kin, 4:22-24

n to non-believers, 2:221, 5:5, 60:10

¡ fornication forbidden, 4:24, 4:25, 4:27, 5:5

¡ if unable, 24:33

¡ if woman fears mistreatment from her husband, 4:128

¡ love and tenderness, 30:21

¡ polygamy, 4:3

n restrictions about, 4:3

n warning against, 4:129

¡ recline with spouses in Paradise, 36:56, 40:8, 43:70

¡ spouses are raiment for each other, 2:187

¡ to adopted son's ex-wife is permitted, 33:37

¡ to orphans, 4:3

¡ to single woman only, 4:24

¡ to slave

n and among slaves, 24:32

n woman if need arises, 4:3, 4:25

n better if men don't marry, 4:25

n even if she's married before being captured, 4:24

n punishment only half of free women's if immoral, 4:25

¡ to unmarried only, 24:32

l Mary, 3:34-37, 3:42-47, 4:156-157, 4:171, 5:17, 5:46, 5:72, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116,

9:31, 19:16-39, 21:91, 23:50, 33:7, 43:57, 56:27, 61:6, 61:14, 66:12

¡ not a deity, 5:116

l Materialism, 9:24, 9:34, 9:55, 9:85, 28:76, 57:20, 63:9, 64:15, 68:14, 71:12, 71:22, 89:20, 92:11,

100:8, 102:1, 104:2-3, 111:2

¡ and the Prophet's wives, 33:28

¡ envy forbidden, 4:32, 15:88, 16:90, 20:131

¡ forbidden, 4:29-30, 8:27

¡ greed brings destruction, 102:1-6

¡ punishment for, 4:30

¡ ruining others forbidden, 4:32

¡ squandering, 17:27, 25:67

l Mecca, 2:142-150

¡ duty to visit Mecca (Makkah) for the Hajj, 3:97

¡ turn and pray toward, 2:144, 2:149-150

n isn't necessary (Allah is everywhere), 2:115, 2:142, 2:177

¡ valley of, 48:24

l Medinah, 9:101, 9:120, 33:60, 63:8

l Menstruation, 2:222

l Metallurgy, 18:96-97

¡ iron, 57:25

¡ molten copper, 34:2

¡ slag, 13:17

l Milk, 16:66, 47:15

l Mineralogy, 16:14, 35:12

l Mockery

¡ leave company of those in the act of mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68

l Monastic asceticism

¡ some types criticised, 57:27

l Monks

¡ some devour people's possessions, 9:34

¡ some turn people away from Allah, 9:34

¡ taken as lords by some people, 9:31

l Months

¡ four sacred, 9:36

n fighting forbidden during, 9:36

n unless attacked, 2:194, 2:217

¡ twelve (lunar) in a year, 9:36

l Moses, 3:84, 6:84, 6:91, 7:103-162, 10:75-93, 11:96, 11:110, 14:5, 14:6, 14:8, 17:2, 17:101-104,

18:60-82, 19:51-53, 20:9-98, 21:48, 22:44, 23:45-49, 25:35, 26:10-66, 27:7-14, 28:3-43, 28:44,

28:48, 28:76, 29:39, 32:23, 33:7, 33:69, 37:114-120, 40:23-27, 40:53, 41:45, 42:13, 43:46-55,

44:17-36, 46:12, 46:30, 51:38-40, 53:36, 61:5, 79:14-25, 87:19

¡ bringing forth water from the rock, 2:60, 7:160

¡ commands to his people, 5:21

¡ duel by sorcery with Pharaoh's magicians, 7:109-126, 10:79-81, 20:65-70, 26:43-47

¡ forty nights upon Mt. Sinai, 2:51, 7:142

¡ House of, 2:248

¡ parting of the Red Sea, 20:77, 26:63

¡ plagues, 7:133-136, 7:163

l Mosque

¡ disbelievers should not visit or take care of, 9:17

¡ rival one in Quba is forbidden, 9:108

l Mountains, 15:19, 16:15, 16:81, 17:37, 20:105-107, 27:61, 31:10, 33:72, 34:10, 38:18, 41:10,

42:32, 50:7, 77:27, 78:7, 79:32, 81:3, 88:19, 95:2

l Muhammed, 47:2

¡ admonished, 33:37, 66:1, 75:16-19, 80:1-10

¡ as judge for followers, 4:65

¡ dares not alter the Qur'an nor act contrarily, 10:15

¡ divorce, 33:52

¡ exemptions from "regular" marriage laws, 33:51

¡ like of a pretty woman, 33:52

¡ marriage

n kinship allowances in, 33:50

n restrictions, 33:52

¡ mystical ascension, 53:6-18

¡ not a madman, 7:184, 52:29, 68:2, 81:22

¡ only a prophet, 3:144, 6:50, 7:188

¡ prayed for non-believing Uncle (enjoined not to), 9:113

¡ reacted against something lawful, 66:1

¡ "seal" of the prophets, 33:40

¡ summons from, 24:63

¡ taking leave of, 24:62

¡ unlettered prophet, 7:157, 7:158, 62:2

¡ visiting wives, 3:51

¡ widowed wives not allowed to remarry, 33:53

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