They try to distract people with fine detail
Confusing details and ridiculous reports represent an important part of Darwinist psychological defense mechanisms. Inundating people with illogical details is one part of the Darwinist's hypnotic indoctrination technique. The real aim behind reports appearing in Darwinist publications is to make some people, who have little knowledge of the subject, forget that evolution is a fraud and thereby occupy their minds with exceedingly foolish questions, such as, “Are we more closely related to the potato or the worm?” Darwinists use illogical details for that purpose.
The true aim behind all of the utterly illogical reports in a Darwinist publication, such as “Are we related to kangaroos?”, “We started to walk upright out of hunger”, or “Hiccupping is a legacy from the frog”, is to distract people’s attention. By positing evolution as though it were a proven fact, they strive to give the impression that the only remaining question is where hiccupping came from. People who fall under the intense influence of such reports, and who are inadequately informed on the subject can easily fall victim to such conditioning. Under the influence of these misleading reports, they imagine that just a few minor aspects of evolution still need to be explained and that they, too, will eventually be clarified. Darwinists thus perpetrate the mass deception they have engaged in for decades by way of this system. Darwinist indoctrination is successfully propagated by this false method.
Let us now remind ourselves that:
ö Darwinists are unable to explain how even a single protein might have formed by chance.
ö They possess not one transitional fossil they can produce.
ö More than 350 million fossils have demolished evolution.
ö The complexity in living things has dealt Darwinism one of the heaviest blows, and revealed biological systems that cannot be explained in terms of evolution.
ö All the fossils they have heralded have turned out to be false, or even deliberate fakes.
ö Fossils show that living things appeared suddenly and remained unchanged for millions of years.
These things are scientific evidence. Since Darwinists are unable to explain them, they produce extraordinarily ridiculous headlines instead because they are in a state of desperation. How else, apart from using fraud, could they defend a theory launched in the name of science, but in fact devoid of any scientific evidence? But they have now realized that these illogical headlines no longer have any impact. Even schoolchildren now expect Darwinists to be able to account for the formation of a single protein when they encounter such claims. So this particular deception has not been long-lived.
They try to use similarities as evidence
Since Darwinists know that the origin of life has obliterated their theory, that fossils have demolished evolution, and that mutations have no power in and of themselves to bring about evolution, they hide behind another deception instead, one that will have tremendous influence over people and also appear very logical to them; similarities between life forms!
Similarities between living things are constantly being raised by Darwinists as if they were evidence of evolution because some people are predisposed to believe in this deception. The Darwinists speak of the similarity between man and apes with such an air of its being absolute proof that when people exposed to such conditioning go to a zoo, or watch a documentary about apes, they draw the appropriate conclusions. They have been so affected by this Darwinist deception they began to foolishly imagine that apes could easily turn into human beings “... if they developed a bit, shaved and ate better.” A few generalized similarities prepare the way for the spread of Darwinist conditioning.
The fact is, however, that no matter how much an ape resembles a man it will never, by Allah’s leave, for all its time on this Earth, be anything more than an ape. No matter how much or how well it is trained, it will never become human. No matter what it does it will never, unless Allah chooses otherwise, possess a “soul” that makes a human being human.
It is the “soul” that makes human beings human. A living thing is only human so long as he possesses a soul. Man is an entity capable of saying, “I am me,” with the sufficient awareness to realize that there is an image that forms in his brain and that he watches. No matter what human beings may look like physically, they are human so long as they possess a soul. This is the great truth that separates them from all other living things and the Darwinists try to cover that fact up. But the theory of evolution is dealt one of the heaviest blows of all by the definite existence of the soul. For that reason, Darwinists are careful to try to avoid this matter being raised at all. Similarities between life forms constitute no evidence for evolution whatsoever. Of course life forms will resemble one another. They all breathe the same air on the same planet. They are all made up of compounds of the same elements, eat the same foods and share the same habitats. All living things have been equipped with similarly glorious molecular systems. Every system has been brought into being in such a way as to establish a perfect harmony within the conditions on this world, with their strictly defined boundaries. Therefore, these similarities are evidence not of evolution, but of the creative artistry of Almighty Allah, Who says in one verse:
It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. (Surat at-Talaq, 12)
They apply a comprehensive policy of intimidation against those who deny evolution
Darwinism is propped up by what can only be described as despotism, imposition, coercion, and fraud. The only reason why Darwinism has occupied the agenda for so many years is the Darwinist dictatorship, a system that rules the world. Darwinism has been imposed by this dictatorial regime and been accepted by the power of compulsion. Darwinist indoctrination has spread in ways that people are unaware of, and vast masses of people have fallen under its sway. As a result of the sly tactics employed by this vile dictatorship, Darwinism has quite literally become undeniable across the world.
Darwinism currently enjoys a vast level of protection from the various states of the world. It is supported by official institutions in a great many countries and even forcibly imposed. Those who oppose the spurious religion that is Darwinism are silenced by the most despotic methods. There are hundreds of examples of this. This policy of intimidation, in which professors and scientists have been removed from their posts for criticizing the theory of evolution, has been fully exposed in recent years. Students are unable to progress from one year to another, and people in institutions of state have had their careers ruined. Universities have become part of a dictatorial regime in which only a Darwinist education is given and acceptable.
People are prevented from rejecting Darwinism, because otherwise the adherents of the religion of Darwinism would have no other way of propping this groundless theory up. A lie is spoken very loudly, and to expose it as a lie is regarded as a crime. A theory heralded as scientific, yet having nothing whatsoever to do with science, has become a superstitious and dogmatic belief officially and openly protected against rejection. But the most striking thing is that this is done so flagrantly, with no attempt at concealment at all.
That is why nonsense such as, “Darwinism is supported all over the world” is completely meaningless and no attention should be paid to it. The systematic and cunning activities of the Darwinist dictatorship make such support obligatory. Some people have to appear to agree with this false theory in order not to lose their jobs or careers, while students are compelled to give answers supporting evolution in order to pass their exams. The greatest intellectual tyranny in history is enforced worldwide by the Darwinist dictatorship.
They condition people with the lie that vast masses of people believe in evolution
When one grasps the scale of the dictatorial Darwinist regime one can better understand why it is that evolution appears to be supported all over the world. Some people generally believe in the legitimacy of whatever the majority happens to believe in. They want to believe that the majority is right. The fact is, however, as revealed in the Qur’an in the words, "If you obeyed most of those on earth, they would misguide you from Allah’s Way..." (Surat al-An'am, 116), that the majority are generally subject to a mass conditioning that turns them away from Allah’s path. The important thing is to heed the Qur’an and one’s conscience, rather than the majority. It was the mindset of the majority that led to the mass slaughters of the First and Second World Wars, this sociodynamic critical mass that led to the atrocities perpetrated by Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy, and that shed so much blood in communist Russia. This twisted perspective, deeply rooted in Darwinist ideology, was responsible for these world wars and the resulting deaths of more than 200 million people. This majority culture, this groupthink, is one of the most deceptive and dangerous elements in the arsenal of the Darwinist dictatorship.
But how have the majority been brought to believe in Darwinism despite all its illogicality? The reasons are these:
a) Darwinism is a superstitious belief system methodically organized by atheist masons of the time. All its development from the outset to the present day has taken place within this highly organized plan.
b) Atheist masons have quietly, but profoundly, disseminated the idea of evolution, despite its initially attracting much criticism, by means of certain press organizations which it monopolizes and thus created a pervasive indoctrinating effect similar to mass hypnosis.
c) The impression that evolution is true has been given by means of newspapers, magazines, television stations and other media organs under the control of atheist masons. That conditioning is still continuing.
d) In order to thoroughly indoctrinate people, they have developed visual conditioning techniques involving false illustrations, reconstructions, and false pictures and drawings.
e) Despite being the worst fraud in history, they have placed evolution in school curricula as if it were scientific fact.
f) The Darwinist dictatorship, under the control of atheist masons, has placed evolution under global protection and various administrations have personally undertaken that task. Opposition to evolution has literally become regarded as equivalent to high treason, and individuals, schools and managements have all been taken to court for that reason.
g) Opponents of evolution have been intimidated, silenced and removed from their posts. It has become all but impossible to object to evolution.
h) Although science completely refutes evolution, they have declared that believers in evolution are scientific while its opponents are unscientific, and as a result of this conditioning people who reject evolution have been alienated from society.
As we have seen, Darwinism enjoys support, not because it is scientific, but because it is inculcated by means of imposition and coercion, and protected across the world by the Darwinist dictatorship. The fact that the majority support this false theory must not and should not deceive people; some of the people are unaware that Darwinism is the greatest fraud that has ever been, while others appear to support Darwinism only out of fear of losing their jobs or attracting criticism from people around them.
There are of course some people – albeit a small minority – who do honestly adopt Darwinism as an ideology, a false religion. As Allah reveals in the Qur’an, these people have been created to deny Allah and side with superstition. In the Qur’an, Allah tells us that these people will never believe, even if they were to witness genuine miracles. The existence of such people must not, therefore, deceive anyone. Almighty Allah describes these people as follows in the Qur’an:
Even if We sent down angels to them, and the dead spoke to them, and We gathered together everything in front of them right before their eyes, they would still not believe unless Allah willed. The truth is that most of them are ignorant. (Surat al-An’am, 111)
These people, explicitly described in the Qur’an, are in fact well aware of their wrongdoing. They realize that Darwinism is false and wrong, and that it is Almighty Allah who created them and all things. But even though they accept what the Qur’an says in their hearts, they still object and deny it all because of their pride. In another verse, Almighty Allah says:
And they repudiated them wrongly and haughtily, in spite of their own certainty about them. See the final fate of the corrupters. (Surat an-Naml, 14)
They try not to lose supporters by threatening them with exclusion from society
Darwinism has been comprehensively defended by the Darwinist dictatorship for the last 150 years, and is protected by law in a number of countries. Those who subscribe to the theory are praised, while those who reject it are ridiculed or sacked. The theory is also taught on a compulsory basis in schools. For these reasons, it is not at all a simple matter to openly state that one rejects Darwinism in such a climate. Such people are immediately excluded and removed by others, under the powerful impact of Darwinist conditioning. This is one of the most important psychological deterrent methods employed by the Darwinist dictatorship in order to hold onto its adherents.
It would be a very significant event for someone who has spent a lifetime specializing in evolution, and maybe even become a professor, to one day announce that he rejects Darwinism and has seen the invalidity of evolution. If a professor announces that he now rejects evolution, he is well aware that his whole career has essentially come to an end, that he will be removed from his post in the university, that the great majority of his friends, largely made up of Darwinists, will swiftly turn their backs on him, and that he will also be subjected to intense negative propaganda. That is how it has always been. Professors we have already cited have lost their jobs, friends, and colleagues for that very reason. Unpleasant defamation campaigns have been set in motion on the internet about some of them in order to prevent them finding work again, while others have been declared to be “intellectual terrorists” by employers.
Rejecting the theory of evolution brings with it major life changes for someone who has spent years as an evolutionist and may even have built a career on it. For such a person, all the ideological scourges that Darwinism brings with it are invalidated in a moment. Communism, fascism, atheism, and many other such perverse beliefs all become instantly worthless. For example, from the moment a satanist sees the invalidity of Darwinism, being a satanist will be meaningless, as satanism is a false religion based entirely on elitism and social Darwinism. The moment a terrorist capable of ruthlessly murdering other people realizes the invalidity of Darwinism, he will also realize how illogical and incompatible with good conscience his actions were. The perverse ideological foundation that justified killing suddenly vanishes in a puff of smoke. For that reason, rejecting Darwinism changes the whole perspective, values, and lives of people who based their lives on that perverse ideology.
This policy of exclusion against those who reject Darwinism is perhaps the most effective psychological weapon to which Darwinists resort. Some people who believe it will be to difficult for them to overcome that policy of exclusion have had to appear to be evolutionists, despite not truly believing in it. There are a great many people who have had to appear to eagerly espouse evolution when evolutionists are present, when holding conferences or writing books and articles about it, despite clearly seeing its illogicality. There has been a particular rise in recent years in the number of people who clearly see the existence of Allah, but who are unable to express that thought in the presence of their atheist friends.
This policy of intimidation must not alarm the people in question because the supposed dominion of the Darwinist dictatorship is temporary and weak. As Allah has promised, superstition will certainly disappear and the truth will be victorious. What needs to be known is that Allah is always alongside those who genuinely turn to Him, who heed their consciences and who are prepared to risk social exclusion by espousing what is right and true. It is the friends of Allah who will inevitably be victorious. Our Almighty Lord reveals in a verse that:
If Allah helps you, no one can vanquish you. If He forsakes you, who can help you after that? So the believers should put their trust in Allah. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 160)
They try to give the impression that large numbers of people support evolution by arranging false polls and statistics
When asked for scientific evidence, Darwinists generally reply as follows: "But evolution is regarded as fact all over the world!" When they say that, Darwinists imagine that all the questions hanging over evolution somehow disappear, that people will be satisfied with that reply, and that by saying this it will be enough to ensure acceptance of Darwinism. Indeed, this method of psychological conditioning has had a huge effect on some people who attach little importance to the fact that the theory of evolution is not backed up by any scientific evidence and who regard general opinion as more significant.
That is why the Darwinist dictatorship tries every possible means to give the impression that evolution is accepted all over the world. One method is to organize false surveys and statistics, and then use these polls to show that large numbers of people believe in evolution, and then publish their survey results to loud fanfare in the press organs under the control of the Darwinist dictatorship.
Someone looking at the results of the polls in question may well think that only a very few people reject evolution, particularly in countries such as the United States and Great Britain. Under the influence of the mass psychology we have already discussed, they may imagine that this false majority believing in evolution is on the true path. But this is a deception. In fact, no such poll has ever been held. These results are fraudulent figures invented for the purpose of being announced in press organs under the control of the Darwinist dictatorship. As always, Darwinists deceive people, this time by these fake polls and figures.
Polls have been conducted in many countries and people have been genuinely asked what they think; but the results obtained are the exact opposite of what the Darwinists claim. People actually reject evolution and believe that Allah creates all things. And these levels are growing all the time. One of the largest verifiable polls conducted showed that Turkey heads the list of those rejecting evolution.3 The second country in terms of rejection of evolution was the United States of America.
Therefore, it must not be forgotten that if high levels of belief in evolution are suggested in a poll, or any statistical research in Darwinist publications, then the results are fraudulent. In fact, polls conducted all over the world, especially in the United States, Canada, and European countries such as Great Britain, show that evolution has been abandoned to a very significant extent.
They claim to not to be “bothered” by anti-Darwinist activities
One of the most terrifying things for a publishing group spreading Darwinist propaganda with all of its might is without doubt the success of anti-Darwinist activities. Books, articles, exhibitions and conferences setting out the proofs of the fact of creation are enjoying a worldwide success which represents a grave threat for these Darwinists. The publishing groups in question makes no mention of this success, the work of large numbers of people. They generally prefer to appear to attach no importance to that success and say, “It does not bother us at all.”
But in truth, the Darwinists are in a state of panic. Conferences around the world describe how Darwinists are unable to account for even a single protein and exhibit fossils that totally refute evolution, while molecular biology utterly eliminates the possibility of evolution. Thousands of people listen to this information with great amazement. This information is also passed on by word of mouth to hundreds of thousands more. People who see this evidence can no longer believe in Darwinism. Therefore, saying “........we are not bothered” is a defense mechanism intended to neutralize this huge defeat and cover it up.
This is actually a very childish reaction, much like the way that a small child, having been punished by his father, will try to give the impression he is unaffected by saying, “I don’t care,” Darwinist publications exhibit the very same reaction. But their trickery is being exposed and the theory of evolution they espouse with such fervid desperation is collapsing before everyone’s eyes. It is therefore impossible for Darwinists to be unaffected by that collapse; of course they will be affected, and terrified by it.
Darwinists’ terror will grow still further, because all the scientific evidence is increasingly showing the fact of Creation. The corrupt hegemony of the Darwinist dictatorship is coming to an end. This age will be one that manifests our Almighty Lord’s title of the Hadi (the Bestower of guiadance), an age of faith. Every superstitious faith launched in opposition to belief in Allah will inevitably vanish. Almighty Allah says in one verse:
Say: ‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish.’ (Surat al-’Isra, 81)
They try to cast a spell over people with false illustrations and reconstructions
By now, we are all familiar with an ape-man that for many years has appeared in the pages of newspapers and magazines, that was for years taught in school books as if it were true, and that people were told represented important evidence for is an entirely false chronology. This fake ape-man was depicted walking with a stooped gait and an animal-like appearance holding a heavy club in his hands and with a whole social life. It was also been given an almost unpronounceable Latin name: Hesperopithecus haroldcookii.
Hesperopithecus haroldcookii was illustrated time and time again in the pages of the world’s best known magazines. Reconstructions of it were produced and exhibited in prestigious museums.. Nobel prize-winning scientists discussed it at conferences, doctoral theses were written about it, and scientists frequently debated as to what kind of social life it enjoyed, where and how it lived, where it walked and how it spoke. It was also better known by another name: Nebraska Man.
One very important point here is that all of these fictitious scenario concerning Hesperopithecus haroldcookii, which Darwinist scientists studied and taught their students for years, was revealed to have been all invented on the basis of a single pig tooth.
Nebraska Man is an example which illustrates the scale of the frauds Darwinists perpetrate through visual conditioning, but it is by no means the only one. All the Darwinist pictures of fictitious ape-men, with all their characteristics such as enjoying social lives, hunting and fishing, playing with their children and whatnot, are sometimes based on nothing more than a single finger bone, a shoulder blade or a tooth. Parts of fossil skeletons are sometimes unearthed, but then such fantastical reconstructions are produced that the result is a fully fledged ape-man. But this is a complete deception.
Reconstructions and evolutionist drawings are used to mislead people and create the impression that there really is such a thing as evolution. As we have seen with Nebraska Man, the various pictures and reconstructions are based solely on the imaginations of the people producing them. No such ape-man ever, ever existed. Indeed, all the skulls and skeletons discovered either come from human beings, or else from extinct species of apes or monkeys. But the pictures and reconstructions produced provides the framework for the subsequent conditioning.
All the ape-men, dino-birds, and life forms trying to move from water to dry land that one sees in Darwinist newspapers, magazines and TV programs are fictitious. If nothing else, they certainly reflect the imaginative power of the artists concerned. When they are exposed as frauds, they are quietly set aside. The Darwinist press is very careful that nobody should realize the scale of the fraud being perpetrated. But policies of concealing frauds of course bears no fruits, and all Darwinist deceptions are being exposed, one by one, and all the time.
When evidence refuting evolution is discovered, they either ignore or else try to destroy it
Darwinists have used all these forms of mental conditioning for the last 150 years and engaged in false fossil propaganda exactly as they chose. Since they had a monopoly of schools, universities, renowned scientists, magazines, newspapers and visual media they could deceive people as they wished. That included evidence refuting evolution.
Since fossils from the Cambrian Period serve as one of the main proofs that life began suddenly and with an extraordinary complexity, and would certainly spell the end of Darwinism, they were hidden away for seventy years by Charles Doolittle Walcott, the Darwinist paleontologist who found them. This is a startling and significant indicator in terms of understanding the scale of the Darwinist fraud.
Similar events have taken place quite frequently in subsequent times, and nobody was even aware of the more than 350 million fossils completely refuting evolution, and discovered to date. Of course, Darwinists did to these fossils what they did to the Cambrian ones. Because all of these fossils meant the same thing; each one was proof of Creation.
For years, Darwinists only ever mentioned two or three types of “living fossil,” in a bid to give the impression that living fossils consisted of these alone. But then people came to realize that there are fossil specimens dating back millions of years of all the life forms alive today. In other words, the great majority of fossils were living fossils showing that present-day life forms are identical to those living millions of years ago.
Since the fictitious subject of the evolution of man was the most sensitive, and the most open to Darwinist speculation, Darwinists engage in widespread fraud when it comes to fossils showing the history of man. Fossils showing that man has never evolved are generally kept hidden away, or even destroyed entirely. Because if even one of these enters the agenda, that will be enough to spell the end of the evolution deceit. That is why false fossils are always brought up in this context and made the subject of constant speculation.
In order to maintain their ideology they have even proposed the idea of space creatures
It is utterly humiliating and ludicrous for a Darwinist scientist to stand up and say, “Space creatures brought life here!” Someone who pays close attention and is aware of the true face of the Darwinist deception will immediately see that such statements are an expression of utter wretchedness and despair. Because the single greatest problem for Darwinists is that of the origin of life. Quite unable to account for how even a single protein could have formed by chance, and aware of how helpless they are on that subject, Darwinists have sought a way out by hiding behind the idea of creatures from space.
There is one very important point we have already stressed regarding Darwinists: some Darwinists will deny the existence of Allah “... even if they see miracles,” as we are told in one verse. This is a characteristic of some unbelievers described in the Qur’an. Even though these people are well aware of the facts and the truth, the Qur’an tells us they will still deny it because of the vast scale of their pride.
The space creature deception raised by certain atheist Darwinists was born from exactly that state of affairs. The fact that proteins cannot come into being spontaneously is just one of the proofs that life was created. But since it is some Darwinists’ intention to deny the existence of Allah (surely Allah is beyond that), they ignore this highly significant fact about proteins. And instead of admitting the existence of Allah, Who is mighty enough to create even a single protein with the most amazing complexity, they have become the defenders of this utterly illogical claim. This is extraordinarily brazen-faced, and in fact an admission of great weakness. The Darwinists who make this unbelievable claim are utterly humiliating themselves for the sake of their perverse religion.
In doing this, Darwinists never reflect on how they will be unable to answer the following question: How did this fictitious and complex molecule they make this claim about come into being? Even if it were somewhere in the vastness of space, it could not have come into being by chance; thus, there has to be an intelligence far superior to that of human beings that created it. That alone spells the end of this dubious Darwinist claim. Other claims made by Darwinists, such as organic molecules arriving from space and being caught in something like a cold trap used in the Miller experiment and eventually giving rise to a living cell, are equally preposterous.
Even if all the organic molecules constituting a cell, even if all the proteins in it that could never come into being by chance were all present at the same time, and even if all the conditions claimed by the Darwinists applied, it would still be impossible for a cell to emerge by chance. Darwinists are unable to produce even the smallest components of the cell, not even in a conscious and controlled manner and under whatever laboratory conditions they desire. They are unable to account for even a single protein. Darwinists are just playing games with people. Their deceptive idea of “space creatures” makes their perspective towards human beings very clear indeed. They imagine that they can still impose evolution, the great deception of the last 150 years and which they now fear they may be losing, by means of such nonsense, and that people will simply accept it.
Darwinists can strive all they like, but all the claims they come up with for the purpose of encouraging denial of Allah (surely Allah is beyond that) merely humiliate them further. Because Almighty Allah, Lord of the worlds, has promised in verse that He will bring down all those who deny Him:
... know that you cannot thwart Allah and that Allah will humiliate the unbelievers. (Surat at-Tawba, 2)
They try to silence activities demonstrating the invalidity of evolution, not with scientific evidence, but by shouting the opposition down
Darwinists are afraid of science. They are terrified at the facts revealed by science becoming known to all and spreading across the world because everything truly scientific demolishes and refutes evolution.
For that reason, Darwinists can never RESPOND TO ANYONE WITH SCIENCE.
- Aggression is their only response to scientific evidence.
- They oppose conferences against evolution that reveal scientific evidence, not with evidence of their own, but with placards and protests.
- They try to close down exhibitions displaying scientific facts – genuine fossils. They seek to burn books containing scientific evidence.
- They take people who try to have scientific evidence that exposes the fraud of evolution being taught in schools to court.
- They reject invitations from adherents of creationism to face-to-face debates with horror and terror and never, ever accept such challenges.
- Instead of responding to scientific evidence with evidence of their own, Darwinists reply with despotism, aggression, brute force and great hue and cry because they possess no scientific evidence and this is the only way they know of keeping their theory propped up.
Darwinists hide behind concepts such as democracy, rights, liberty and freedom of thought at every available opportunity, but when the invalidity of their claims is exposed, they suddenly become bigoted and aggressive. They immediately disregard the concepts of freedom of thought and speech, democracy, and intellectual freedom they have been sheltering behind. They immediately become utterly intolerant, and even highly aggressive, when evidence revealing the fact of creation is brought forward. Indeed, when it comes to ideas, it is the Darwinists themselves who are the most closed minded, bigoted, and perverse of all. Far from being a scientific conclusion, Darwinism is a false and perverse belief that science actually refutes. Since it is based solely on ideology and a superstitious belief system, its supporters can only seek to keep it alive through methods more suited to hooligans than men of science and education.
For many years now, Darwinism has intimidated people with this despotic policy. If it is that Darwinism dominates institutions of state across the whole world today, the sole reason for that is the tyrannical and aggressive policy of intimidation in question. If a Darwinist comes to a scientific conference holding a placard instead of scientific evidence, if he tries to silence opposition by shouting rather than making scientific statements, if he imagines he can intimidate opponents of evolution by attacking them, and if he is removed from a scientific conference under police escort, then that alone is enough to expose the true face of Darwinism. Reports of the collapse of Darwinism have initiated an extraordinary panic among Darwinists. No despotism will now be able to keep the Darwinists’ false religion propped up. This is the law of Allah. Our Lord Allah, Who knows all things, reveals in one verse that believers will always emerge victorious:
Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you portray! (Surat al-Anbiya’, 18)
The fact they suffer psychological troubles and difficulties is clear from their behavior and reactions
There is a very important clue that Darwinists are psychologically troubled; it manifests itself in their body language. One can clearly see that they have suffered a terrible defeat from their anxious states when they see proofs of Creation, from their reactions, uncontrolled actions, and stressed responses. This is another significant piece of evidence that Darwinism is a deception.
Darwinists in any case usually confront supporters of Creation with the full awareness of this defeat and with a sense of inferiority. For that reason, instead of enjoying the peace and ease that comes from espousing what is true and right, they suffer under the burden and troubles that comes from espousing a lie. Their own ideology requires them to espouse a theory devoid of any scientific evidence as though it were scientific, and has strong supporting evidence. They have to try and respond to vital scientific evidence proving the invalidity of the theory of evolution. Even though they know that people will believe and be convinced by the true scientific facts, they still try to give the impression that what they espouse is the truth. Having to consistently espouse a lie is a terrible burden for a person, particularly if he is aware of the true facts.
That is why in discussion programs there are scenes where Darwinists display very angry, irritable, and distressed behavior, waving their arms around in peculiar gestures and generally giving an impression of stress and exhaustion. They constantly say there is something they want to state, but no statement is ever forthcoming. It is impossible for them to make any statement because there is absolutely no scientific evidence for evolution. This is the stress and unease that comes from not espousing the truth. Darwinists inevitably experience this constantly distressed state of mind everywhere in their lives, not just in the environments described above, because they espouse a lie and behave falsely. Almighty Allah reveals in a verse how those who strive against our Lord will have troubled lives:
But if anyone turns away from My reminder, his life will be a dark and narrow one... (Surah Ta Ha, 124)
They maintain that all claims refuting evolution are unscientific
We have been discussing how Darwinists try to give the impression of being scientific by using scientific formulae and terminology and have thus deceived large numbers of people by means of such psychological conditioning. A second fraudulent tactic that Darwinists resort to in this context is the (deceptive) defense mechanism of suggesting that opponents of Darwinism are unscientific.
Because he knows he will inevitably come off for the worse, a Darwinist will never publicly debate a proponent of creation, and will justify this attitude by saying that “... the proper environment for a scientific debate has not been established.” But this is merely defeatism and an easy way out. Of course they will not want to engage in such a debate, because they know they will lose and end up humiliated. Instead, they hide behind the idea of being scientific in their search for ways to avoid such encounters.
But the fact is that it is only the supporters of Creation that have produced scientific evidence. No Darwinist has ever been able to produce even a single piece of scientific evidence, nor is it possible for any Darwinist ever to do so. But the scientific evidence refuting evolution that he sees during the course of any debate will cause him enormous distress. He will see genuine fossils, and the frauds of evolution will be exposed, and the simple fact that evolutionists are unable to account for how even a single protein could have come about by chance will be revealed for all to see. Such a defeat is intolerable for Darwinists. That is why they hide behind all these very familiar psychological defense mechanisms and accuse the other side of being unscientific.
This fact must be always borne in mind: Darwinists possess not so much as one single piece of scientific evidence. All they have is demagoguery, lies, false accusations, aggression, psychological conditioning, hoax fossils and abundant specious scientific terminology. They way they claim to be “scientific” is one of the century’s most astonishing phenomena. This shows the worldwide scale of the Darwinist deception. A deception that is constantly rebutted by scientific evidence, and that not even children attach any credence to, has adopted science as a protective shield.
Therefore, one must always bear in mind that a Darwinist who espouses evolution in the name of science and simultaneously refuses to have any dealings with proponents of Creation because they aren't scientific is engaging in a huge deception. Science is in actual fact Darwinists’ greatest foe. Because the more they turn their backs on science, the more the scientific facts keep annihilating evolution.
They try to spread the deception that evolution and belief in Allah are not incompatible
Materialism constitutes the foundation of Darwinism. According to the materialist error, matter is eternal and there is no force superior to it. To put it another way, materialism rejects the idea of a Creator who rules the matter that constitutes the universe, and maintains it constantly under His control (surely Allah is beyond that). The only reason for all the efforts made to prop up Darwinism, which is based on the absolute existence of matter, and for all the frauds and deceptions perpetrated to that end, is the desire to prevent acceptance of the fact that a sublime and omnipotent Creator has brought all things into being. Darwinists have been endeavoring to do that for the last 150 years. And that is the reason Darwinism has been adopted as a false religion.
Darwinists as of late have been in a state of terrible panic due to this important fact having come to light in recent years. The reason for this panic is the fear of losing the support of large number of religious believers. Many people who believe in Allah and are ignorant of the true face of Darwinism blindly sign up to this deception, and Darwinists have been greatly displeased by the revelation of a truth that will awaken them.
The manner in which Darwinists have been working so strenuously to cover up the fact that Darwinism and atheism are in fact equivalent to one other is particularly striking. Worldwide conferences being held by Darwinists holding the title of Priest, conferences on evolution even being held in the Vatican as the result of pressure on the Pope, prizes being given to Darwinists acting on behalf of charities that seek to reconcile belief in Allah and evolution, clergymen appearing on television programs to defend evolution, the citing of fraudulent statements in support of evolution made by people who lived in the past and are heralded as religious scholars, and many other such initiatives all stem from that same unease. The Darwinist press under the control of atheist freemasons must have realized that the equation "Darwinism = Atheism" would pose a huge difficulty for them and so went into action at once to raise the issue. The atheist and Darwinist Richard Dawkins admits the existence of a Darwinist lobby active in this sphere:
There’s a kind of … evolution defense lobby, in particular. They are mostly atheists, but they are wanting to—desperately wanting—to be friendly to mainstream, sensible religious people. And the way you do that is to tell them that there’s no incompatibility between [evolution] and religion…4
As is clear from Dawkins' own admission, atheists represent the great majority of Darwinists who are trying to supposedly reconcile belief in Allah and evolution. This is a most unpleasant and misleading trick. All Darwinists who are prepared to engage in conditioning people through fraud and deception merely for the sake of their ideology have joined this pagan religion in order to deny the existence of Allah. In spreading their propaganda, Darwinists strive to conceal the true face of their theory. The fact that some people are unaware of is that this perverse and unscientific theory constitutes the source behind irreligion, tyranny, wars, slaughter, cruelty, degeneracy, terror and the martyring of so many soldiers in Turkey. The intensive Darwinist propaganda provides the foundation for the blind support of their insidious pseudo-religion. Darwinists are terrified of losing these blind grassroots supporters.
Darwinism is opposed to all beliefs and ideas that espouse the existence of Allah, that praise our Lord and point to Almighty Allah’s creative artistry. Darwinism is a perverse religion produced in a deliberate and programmatic manner in atheist freemasons lodges for the purpose of halting the turning towards Allah, preventing the emergence of devout societies, and for materialism to be able to reign supreme as a false faith. Just as it was intended, this perverse religion has for 150 years turned vast masses of people away from belief in Allah and constituted the foundation of the communist and fascist regimes that inflicted some of the worst scourges in history. Today’s efforts to reconcile evolution and belief in Allah are one of the most unpleasant ruses of this whole great fraud. Everyone must reject this deception and this false propaganda. Our Almighty Lord created all things, the earth and sky and everything between, simply by commanding them to “Be!” That is the glorious Creation shown in the Qur’an and exhibited with so much evidence on earth. The evidence of that glorious Creation is inflicting defeat upon defeat on the fraud of Darwinism, day after day, and is effectively eliminating it. As our Almighty Lord says in one verse:
It is He Who created the heavens and the earth with truth. The day He says ‘Be!’ it is. His speech is Truth. The Kingdom will be His on the Day the Trumpet is blown, the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware. (Surat al-An'am, 73)
All superstition will vanish in the face of Truth
Every superstitious religion will inevitably fail. This is an immutable law of Allah. No matter how successful they may appear, no matter how much dominion they enjoy, no matter how many people they may influence and no matter how much success they appear to enjoy, all superstitious faiths will inevitably fall. This law of Allah never changes.
The Darwinists have failed to comprehend this great secret of Allah’s. They never believed that Allah will inevitably inflict defeat on every perverse idea. They imagined that the transitory victory bestowed on them by Allah was a gain and a superiority. They boasted of this false victory and never foresaw that they would one day be revealed as frauds.
Yet what they never foresaw or expected suddenly befell them. They began to watch their own defeat in complete amazement. They were unable to understand how it had happened. They were at a loss to understand how the theory of evolution, protected under law in all countries, taught in schools and imposed on professors, supported by virtually all the major press and backed with a budget of millions of dollars could have been swept away like this. They failed to comprehend how it was that the fossils completely refuting evolution they had so carefully kept hidden away could suddenly have emerged into the light of day at a time when evolution was so closely protected under national laws, and how the fact that not even a single protein can form by chance had come out into the open. They were stunned to see that the Darwinist dictatorship could no longer protect them.
That huge defeat meant the end of the demagoguery and propaganda that were Darwinists’ sole prop. Darwinists probably never imagined that the day would come when they would have to abandon their only means of deception. They never expected that their lies and deceptions based on mass conditioning through the press, and through pressure and imposition, would ever be exposed. They probably never dreamed that all their trickery would one day be unexpectedly exposed.
The Darwinists now have no way back. The true nature of their deceptive claims that “The missing link has been found”, or “The missing link has been observed” has now been revealed. A great many people have now realized that evolution is a hollow fraud, devoid of any evidence. Darwinists can use whatever propaganda methods they like, and manufacture whatever false evidence they see fit and depict that as the truth, but they will never be able to go back to their days of glory. The Darwinist deception is finally at an end. This period we are living in, when Darwinists are desperately making a last stand to keep their deception alive, will witness a mighty defeat for them. There is another very important point here that must not be forgotten. It is still not too late for Darwinists. They can still turn away from, and make up for, all their errors. The time has come for Darwinists to realize that all power lies with Almighty Allah, and that whatever Allah ordains will definitely come about. This will be of great benefit to them and allow them to live honorable lives in this world and in the hereafter. It must not be forgotten that no matter how much pride they have in this world, no matter how much they wage an illegitimate struggle against right and truth (surely Allah is beyond that), whatever our Lord Allah ordains is what will happen. Darwinism will absolutely come to an end in this century, and whether or not Darwinists want to see it, the true faith of Allah will rule the world. Allah’s promise is the Truth, and the Truth will certainly be made good.
Allah reveals in verses:
Say: ‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish.’ (Surat al-Isra’, 81)
Yes, everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Allah. Yes, Allah’s promise is true but most of them do not know it. (Surah Yunus, 55)
So remain steadfast. Allah’s promise is true. Ask forgiveness for your wrong action and glorify your Lord with praise in the evening and the early morning. Certainly those who argue about the Signs of Allah without any authority having come to them. (Surah Ghafir, 55-56)
Say: ‘The Truth has come. Falsehood cannot originate or regenerate.’ (Surah Saba’, 49)