Let your mind to be opened to explore the truth
This is my way (ISLAM); I invite to Allah with insight :12-No Sura Yousuf: Verse-108.”








Time 14.03.1994


Toronto Star,11 August 2007


Kansas City, 9 August 2007


NTV Bilim, 10.2009


Ottowa Citizen, 9 August 2007


New Scientist, 17.03.2009


She recreated them!

Akşam, 6 April 2001



Mankind survived by cannibalism

Milliyet, 23 June 2010


A 4-million-year change

Yeni Şafak, 01. 10. 1998


Science vie, Nov 2003




28 October 2010


All the illustrations in these newspaper clippings are FALSE. No such ape-man ever existed. Darwinists use drawings and reconstructions to spread lies. They use the conditioning technique that will most affect people – the visual element. Someone uninformed on the subject who looks at these newspapers will begin to become very familiar with these ape-men he keeps seeing. Through this magic spell he will become “convinced” that our ancestors really were ape-men. That person will easily believe in evolution. He will feel no need to ask for any scientific evidence. That is how Darwinist propaganda beguiles people, spreading hypnosis in this way.



Baltimore Sun, 9 August 2007


Asian Age,09 August 2007


Daily Mail, 9 August 2007


Boston Herald USA, 09.08.2007


Calgary Herald, 9 August 2007


Daily Telegraph, 09.08.2007


The Gazette Colarado, 9 August 2007


Commercial Appeal, 9 August 2007


Darwinists produced the above illustrations from a little finger fossil they found in Siberia an claimed that the finger represented a “third species of man.” The sole reason why Darwinists resorted to that deception is that this finger belonging to modern man did not fit into their fictitious schemes of evolution and indeed totally refuted the theory of evolution. It was immediately depicted as an odd kind of ape-man in Darwinist publications, taking absolutely no precautionary measures at all, and the impression was given that the discovery had something to do with evolution. Were it not for the comprehensive and scientific responses provided by us on the subject, this deception would have taken in vast numbers of people. Someone unaware of the scientific facts about the subject might well imagine that this ape-man he saw in Darwinist publications was true.



As soon as Charles D. Walcott discovered the Cambrian Era fossils he hid them away, and kept them HIDDEN FOR THE NEXT 70 YEARS. The only reason for hiding them away is that Cambrian fossils represented the most excellent evidence for Creation.

This method of Walcott's is still being applied by today’s evolutionists. More than 350 million fossils had been hidden away until they were revealed through the Atlas of Creation. Because all these fossils prove Creation. Darwinists try to preserve their false theories not by producing scientific evidence, but by CONCEALING IT.



The trilobite eye in the picture consists of hundreds of tiny cells, each one of which contains a pair of lenses. The 530-million-year-old compound eye system in these life forms has come down to the present day unchanged; various insects such as bees and dragonflies have the same eye structure.









So, we came from Mars!

Sabah, 3 February 2003


So, did we all come from Mars?

Vatan, 14 November 2005


Asteroids gave rise to life

Bugün, 8 December 2008


Proof of extraterrestrial life

Radikal, 11. 12. 2008


Hope in extraterrestrial life

Bugün, 11 December 2008



Meteors gave life

Radikal, 10 August 2005


We fell to Earth from space

Sabah, 6 April 2005


So, are we all Martians?

Vatan, 14. 11. 2005


Did life come from space?

Vatan, 5 December 2006




Some Darwinists, who are unable to deny that proteins cannot come into being by chance but that are unwilling to abandon the fraudulent state of mind brought about by materialist logic, instead of admitting the sublime power of Almighty Allah, have no compunctions about hiding behind the idea of space creatures. They again engage in fraud and to try deceive people into thinking that the idea of space will answer the fundamental question of how protein first came into existence. In fact, however, the Darwinist idea of outer space is an indicator of a very profound and comprehensive despair. It is an admission of defeat and bafflement. It is one of the claims that most humiliates Darwinists. Life neither came from outer space nor started on Earth by chance. Life came into being, with all its extraordinary beauty diversity and complexity by our Lord telling it to “Be!” This is the only conclusion shown us by science through molecular biology, genetics and 350 million fossils.



The only way that Darwinists can respond to scientific anti-evolution activities is by behaving like hooligans with aggression, protests and shouting and screaming. They can never respond with science and scientific evidence.



The beauty, harmony and symmetry in nature is one of the most troubling issues for Darwinists. Even Darwin did not conceal that unease, being forced to admit that the feathers of a peacock made him feel “ill.”



From the 13 October, 2009, issue of the Times, Great Britain


Mr. Adnan Oktar has time and again reiterated his invitation to the atheist and Darwinist Richard Dawkins for a face-to-face encounter. He even placed a notice in the eminent British daily The Times for that purpose. The only reason why Dawkins avoids such a debate is without doubt the fact that he is only too well aware that his claim will completely collapse in the face of the scientific evidence he sees in Mr. Oktar’s works.



Science is anti-Darwinist and anti-atheist 


SCIENCE IS THE ENEMY OF DARWINISM. SCIENCE IS OPPOSED TO ATHEISM. SCIENCE IS ANTI-COMMUNIST AND ANTI-MARXIST. SCIENCE ANNIHILATES MARXIST, ATHEIST, AND DARWINIST THINKING. The Darwinist deception has collapsed in the face of science. Science has dealt Darwinist propaganda its heaviest blow. Science has eliminated the mass conditioning of the fraud of evolution. Science has torn down the foundations of atheist philosophy. Science demolishes Darwinism wherever it goes, wherever it shows its face. SCIENCE is ANTI-PAGAN. Science does away with idolatrous thinking, superstitious religions and false ideologies. For that reason, SCIENCE INFLICTS THE GREATEST PAIN ON DARWINISTS.

Passing Darwinism off as science is part of an unpleasant trickery being perpetrated across the world. The system of the dajjal required a new religion (surely Allah is beyond that) in order to eliminate belief in Allah from the world, and it many years ago identified the most efficient hypnotic technique and surrounded itself with science. It realized it could take advantage of science to mislead people, that it could reach across the world, take control of the most key positions and perpetrate all kinds of fraud, all in the name of science. The mass hypnosis that the system of the dajjal carried out all over the world was spread in the name of science.

But the science they thought of as their ally eventually devastated Darwinists. They never dreamed as they shamelessly perpetrated their scientific frauds that science would inflict such dreadful suffering on them. They entered a state of shock when they saw that science served only religion. They were terrified to see the world’s greatest scientists announcing to the world that they believed in Allah. They again attempted to hide behind their scientific nonsense, but to no avail. They lost their voices. They saw with their own eyes how science demolished atheism, Darwinism, Marxism, communism, materialism and all other superstitious ideologies. Darwinists suffered their worst defeat at the hands of science. The science they thought of as their ally actually routes them.

One of the greatest facts that emerged with advances in science in the 21st century is this: science is for those who believe in Allah. Science benefits true believers. Allah refers in the Qur’an to the gnat (Surat al-Baqara, 26) and the honeybee (Surat an-Nahl, 68). He notes the stars travelling in their orbits (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 7) and to ships floating on the water (Surat al-Hajj, 65). Allah refers in the Qur’an to leaves turning tree (Surat al-An’am, 59) and to the seven layers of the sky (Surat al-Isra’, 44). Allah tells believers in the Qur’an to be aware of these proofs of faith. People discover the depths of these phenomena as they investigate them with science.

Science tells us the anesthetic technique by which a mosquito inserts its proboscis and it tells us the molecular structure of the substance in that local anesthetic. The miracle of photosynthesis in green leaves, the laws of physics by which ships float on water and the celestial bodies that remain suspended in the sky and never go off course – unless Allah so chooses – are all facts shown us by science. Science proves everything we are told in the Qur’an. Therefore, anyone capable of thinking with reason and good conscience will immediately grasp the Almighty Existence of Allah from a single instance cited in the Qur’an. For that reason, a gnat cited in the Qur’an is enough for us to believe in our Almighty Lord. Allah says in verses:

Allah is not ashamed to make an example of a gnat or of an even smaller thing. As for those who believe, they know it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, ‘What does Allah mean by this example?’ He misguides many by it and guides many by it. But He only misguides the deviators. (Surat al-Baqara, 26)

Mankind! an example has been made, so listen to it carefully. Those whom you call upon besides Allah are not even able to create a single fly, even if they were to join together to do it. And if a fly steals something from them, they cannot get it back. How feeble are both the seeker and the sought! (Surat al-Hajj, 73)

Signs leading to faith are gifts shown to us by science. They are a glorious blessing from Allah. Allah uses science as His instrument to show us His sublimity, greatness and might. Both science and its discoveries are created by Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Darwinists are now in a state of panic. They are amazed to see that science is anti-pagan and anti-Darwinist. That pain is the worst of all Darwinists’ sufferings over the last 150 years. The way that those who understand science have abandoned Darwinism in droves has further increased that suffering. The way that science serves Islam has multiplied that pain even more. So much so that Darwinists have shamefully declared that the way out lies with space creatures. That is the final situation of the system of the dajjal that has perpetrated mass hypnosis for the last 150 years. Every branch of science shows the sublime existence of Allah. The 21st century will be the age of that discovery and of an irreparable Darwinist defeat.


Science is Darwinism's worst enemy. Science obliterates Marxist, atheist, materialist and Darwinist thinking. Science has revealed the sublime existence and Creation of Allah in all their glory. All these facts revealed by science, and the way that science serves Islam, represent Darwinists’ worst sufferings in the 21st century.



If Almighty Allah wished, He could of course have created all this glorious life using evolution as His instrument. And in that event we would, of course, have been the most convinced adherents of evolution. But creation did not take place like that, as the Qur’an says, our Lord created living things in a single moment by telling them to “Be!” This magnificent creation demolishes Darwinism more and more every day with new evidence.





New Humanist, 03.2010


Today’s Zaman, 01.07.2010


NCSE Resource, 26 July 2007


 The Daily Telegraph, 26 July 2007


NCSE Resource, 20 January 2006



MSNBC News Service, 25 July 2007


Welt Online, 26 July 2007


The Muslim Observer, 10-16 May 2007


MSNBC News Service, 19 Jan 2006


Darwinism is a perverse pagan religion deliberately and systematically developed in atheist Freemasons Lodges. Over the last 150 years, it has turned people away from belief in Allah and wreaked terrible oppression on the world 150. Darwinism is opposed to science and to all opinions and beliefs that espouse the existence of Allah and point to our Lord’s sublime creative power. Those Darwinists who seek to reconcile evolution and belief in Allah are therefore lying. Those who go along with such Darwinist claims are being. This is a hoax perpetrated on people who are unaware of the scale and danger of the Darwinist. They are currently trying to keep Darwinism propped up with this trickery. Those who genuinely and sincerely love Allah must never fall for that trickery.



Charles Darwin



Through his experiments, Louis Pasteur invalidated the idea that “life can emerge from inanimate matter,” which represents the foundation of the theory of evolution.



One of the facts nullifying the theory of evolution is the incredibly complex structure of life. The DNA molecule located in the nucleus of cells of living beings is an example of this. The DNA is a sort of databank formed of the arrangement of four different molecules in different sequences. This databank contains the codes of all the physical traits of that living being. When the human DNA is put into writing, it is calculated that this would result in an encyclopedia made up of 900 volumes. Unquestionably, such extraordinary information definitively refutes the concept of coincidence.



The mechanism of natural selection does not support the theory of evolution, because it can never enrich a species’ genetic information. It can never transform one species into another.



Since the beginning of the twentieth century, evolutionary biologists have sought examples of beneficial mutations by creating mutant flies. But these efforts have always resulted in sick and deformed creatures. To the side can be seen a fly subjected to mutation.





Fossils are evidence that evolution never happened. As revealed by the fossil record, living organisms were created complete with all their characteristics, and have never changed since they first appeared and for as long as they existed. Fish have always been fish, insects have always been insects and reptiles have always been reptiles. There are no scientific grounds for the claim that species gradually develop. All beings are created by Allah.


Sun Fish

Period: Eocene

Age: 54-37 million years


Crane Fly

Period: Eocene

Age: 48-37 million years


Sea Urchin

Period: Carboniferous

Age: 295 million years



Sea Star

Period: Ordovician

Age: 490-443 million years


Birch Tree Leaf

Period: Eocene

Age: 50 million years



Period: Cretaceous

Age: 125 million years


Sequoia Leaf

Period: Eocene

Age: 48-37 million years





Evolutionist newspapers and magazines often print pictures of imaginary “primitive” man. The only available source for these pictures is the imagination of the artist. Evolutionary theory has been so dented by scientific data that today we see less and less of it in the serious press.



We live our whole life in our brains. People we see, flowers we smell, music we hear, fruit we taste, the moisture we feel with our hands—all these are impressions that become "reality" in the brain. But no colors, voices or pictures exist there. We live in an environment of electrical impulses. This is no theory, but the scientific explanation of how we perceive the outside world.






Since science totally refutes evolution and since they possess not one single piece of scientific evidence, Darwinists decided to resort to hypnosis instead. They developed Darwinist propaganda techniques, involving part of the press, some professors, teachers and people occupying senior official positions. They had no hesitations about spreading false reports depicting evolution as a scientific fact right across the world. They eradicated objections to evolution through defamation, compulsion, imposition and menaces. They shamelessly misused science in the name of evolution, even though all branches of science have refuted it. They managed to bring the great majority of people to believe in evolution, the worst mass deception in history, by the use of false reports and hypnosis over the last 150 years. 

But the days of that deception are now over! This book you are holding exposes all the false propaganda spread by Darwinists, who have suffered a terrible scientific rout, by way of the press in particular. Darwinists will no longer be able to mislead anyone with false press reports, false broadcasts and misleading illustrations and will no longer be able to impose this huge deception on anyone. The next generation will be amazed how people came to believe in this gigantic fraud and will be amazed to see how people were held spellbound by it.

By Allah's leave, the 21st century will be when people are completely freed from this terrible fraud and come to fully live by love of Allah, joy, friendship and moral virtue.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Adnan Oktar, who writes under the pen-name Harun Yahya, was born in Ankara in 1956. Since the 1980s, the author has published many books on faith-related, scientific and political issues. He is well-known as the author of important works disclosing the imposture of evolutionists, their invalid claims, and the dark liaisons between Darwinism and such bloody ideologies as fascism and communism.

All of the author’s works share one single goal: to convey the Qur'an's message, encourage readers to consider basic faith-related issues such as Allah's existence and unity and the Hereafter; and to expose irreligious systems' feeble foundations and perverted ideologies. His more than 300 works, translated into 72 different languages, enjoy a wide readership across the world.

By the will of Allah, the books of Harun Yahya will be a means through which people in the twenty-first century will attain the peace, justice, and happiness promised in the Qur'an.



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