Let your mind to be opened to explore the truth
This is my way (ISLAM); I invite to Allah with insight :12-No Sura Yousuf: Verse-108.”

Who Was Muhammad (PBUH)?

Muhammad (PBUH) caused a revolution in the space of 23 years, shaping the course of history we see today. Muslims everywhere model their own lives on Muhammad’s behavior, from prayer to belief, personal hygiene to community involvement. He continues to inspire.

The Orphan

Muhammad was born in 570 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to a single mother whose husband died before she gave birth. A Bedouin woman named Halimah cared for him, and took him into the harsh desert to live with her people. For such a young child it was a challenging environment. But it was here that Muhammad would develop his first close connection with nature, and spend most of his time in solitude contemplating the world around him.

He was then reunited with his mother Aminah. After returning with Muhammad from his father’s grave, she became ill. Muhammad was barely 6 years old when he faced the loss of another parent. Later his own experience would help him to encourage compassion for orphans, telling his companions that kindness shown to parent-less children would grant them Paradise.

The Shepherd and the Businessman

Muhammad went to live with his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and spent two happy years with him, until he died when Muhammad was 8 years old. Again he had to face emotional and physical upheaval, moving to live with his uncle Abu Talib. As a young boy, Muhammad earned his living as a shepherd. Later he would become renowned for his honest dealing with people in business and trade.

He earned the nickname “The Trustworthy”.

The Husband

A wealthy businesswoman named Khadijah requested Muhammad’s expertise in negotiating a business venture for her. When she heard of how he secured more than she expected, she was impressed and wanted to know more about him. On hearing the accounts of his generous and noble nature, she proposed to him. Khadijah was a widow some 15 years older than Muhammad was. She was intelligent, independent and kind. Muhammad accepted her offer.

Khadijah and Muhammad’s marriage was a happy and harmonious one: they consulted, supported and cared for each other in equal measure. She was his first love, the first he turned to for support, and the first to acknowledge his Prophethood.

Mount Hira

Muhammad had always treated those around him with honor, kindness and respect. Yet he was troubled. Troubled by the injustices he saw around him of backward tribal practices – of female infanticide, of oppression of the vulnerable and of inequality. He had distanced himself from ignorance, superstition and the practice of idol worship. He often retreated to a cave on the mountain of Hira to reflect.

The Revelation

It was now 610, Muhammad was only aged 40 but at a point in his life where he had already faced great sorrows: losing both his parents at an early age, his grandfather and his sons. One night, when he again went to the secluded cave to be alone with his thoughts, he encountered an experience that would dramatically change his life, his society and the wider world.

“Read!” a voice called out to him.

It was the Angel Gabriel. Muhammad was frightened but responded saying that he could not read. Again Gabriel commanded him to read, and on the third time, Gabriel said “Read! In the name of your Sustainer. He who taught man by the pen that which he did not know.”

Following this divine experience, Muhammad went immediately to the only person he could relate what had happened and find solace in, his wife. Shaking, and fearing he had been possessed, Khadijah wrapped him in a covering and comforted him. This was the first of many revelations that would come to him over a period of 23 years.

The Message

God had chosen Muhammad as his final Messenger, the last in a line of many Prophets before him, like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, and Jesus. All had brought the Message of worshipping One God, of enjoining good and forbidding bad. But men had corrupted this Message, and the moment had come once more to bring people back towards the Truth.

Muhammad had a great task ahead of him. In preaching God’s Word, he would come face to face with rejection, abuse, humiliation and even banishment from his own people. He had to overturn his society’s backward and evil practices, instructing them to embrace a set of universal principles that would unite all the tribes. He were to provide a benchmark for justice, eradicate racism, encourage charity, protect those vulnerable, abolish the rigid class system, raise the status of women to an honored position, and bring everyone back to the belief in One God.

But the leading tribe of the Meccans, the Quraysh, opposed this. Muhammad had a small group of companions who believed in his Message, and the Quraysh who embarked on a campaign of torture would target these supporters. As an example, the first to die for Islam was a woman named Sumayyah, who after enduring the cruelty inflicted on her, was stabbed to death.


It was now 615 and the situation for the Muslims had not improved. Muhammad heard of a just and compassionate ruler in Abyssinia, a Christian king who might offer refuge for the Muslims and sent 100 Muslim men and women to be placed under the king’s protection. Muhammad did not hesitate to turn to those of other faiths for their protection, he trusted and worked with others who had moral standing and dealt with justice no matter what their faith or background. His own uncle, Abu Talib, who he loved and respected greatly was not a Muslim, but he offered invaluable support to his nephew.


The Quraysh, unable to break this small but growing band of Muslims, who were growing in number by the day, resorted to banishing them, forbidding any tribes who helped them. Tribes depended on each other for sustenance, trade and protection in the harsh desert environment. This prohibition went on for three years, during which Muhammad and his companions retreated to the valleys surrounding Mecca to live a very difficult life. The ban was finally lifted, but it had taken its toll on the Prophet’s beloved wife, Khadijah. She died soon afterwards.

Muhammad’s grief was deep. He had lost his strongest supporter and the mother of his children. The same year, his uncle, who had been his protector, died in 620. Yet his mission was far from over, and he had the duty to continue his Message and to protect those who had gathered around him. He thought of moving the Muslims far away from the relentless oppression of the Quraysh.

The Night Journey

Two years after the death of Khadijah, one evening Muhammad fell asleep by the Holy Kaaba and was awoken by the Angel Gabriel. Muhammad began a journey to Jerusalem where he met a group of Prophets; amongst them were Abraham and Moses. Muhammad led them in prayer at the Temple Mount. Then Muhammad went on a journey that transcended time and space through the seven heavens. It was at the highest level that he received instructions for the five daily prayers.

Muhammad was profoundly affected by this spiritual and physical journey, seeing the wonders of the heavens, and meeting the brotherhood of Prophets. Yet it was also a trial – when Muhammad recounted his experience, it left him open to more insults and jeers. Yet the lesson remained that true Faith meant belief in the unseen and in the miracles of God.

His Marriages

It was the norm in Arabia for men to take many wives, but Muhammad remained monogamous to his first wife Khadijah throughout their marriage. A year after her death, he was encouraged to marry again. His subsequent marriages were formed for various reasons: to form alliances with other tribes in order to secure the survival of the Muslim community, to protect those who were threatened because of their Faith, and to cement friendships. Many of his wives were widows with children, or divorcees.

Aishah was the daughter of his closest friend Abu Bakr. Her marriage to Muhammad was arranged when she was very young, but their marriage was not consummated until she entered puberty. Aishah had incredible intellect, and she became a respected scholar and was skilled in medical knowledge. She spoke of Muhammad’s kindness and generosity to all his wives, a quality that he insisted upon from every husband to their spouse.


The number of Muslims was growing, and along with it grew the need to live free of tyranny. Many people had embraced Islam in the city of Medina, some 200 miles from Mecca. Muhammad decided his companions should relocate to where they would enjoy the freedom of religious expression and the confidence of a being a real community. Agreements were made with the Jews of Medina, and all lived in protection, liberty and coexistence.


The Quraysh still tormented the Muslims who remained in Mecca. In addition to their persecution, they confiscated all their property and belongings to show Muhammad that he had not won. Incensed by news of this, Muhammad organized expeditions on Meccan caravans in order to take compensation. He also sent missions to find out information of the Quraysh’s plots because he knew that an attack was likely.

Throughout the years to follow, the Muslims were instructed in passive resistance, but a Revelation now gave permission to fight those that oppressed them and had driven them from their homes.

Muhammad had set off with over 300 Muslims to intercept a caravan in order to take more goods in compensation, but the Quraysh found out about his plans and sent a thousand-strong army. The Muslims were not prepared for war, but they were determined to face their enemies. They won an incredible victory in what came to be known as the Battle of Badr.

The conflict was not at an end however, and more wars took place between the Quraysh, their allies and the Muslims, the latter suffering many losses. Muhammad now had military and political power, sending a strong message that he and his people would not be trampled upon any further. As his influence increased, so too did attempts to assassinate him. But these attempts all failed.


After years of hostility, power shifted towards Muhammad and the Muslims, and a treaty was finally agreed between the Quraysh and Muhammad, but the former violated this and Muhammad marched on Mecca in 630. But he took Mecca without bloodshed, peaceably and with dignity. Muhammad was in a position of power to seek revenge on those that had tortured and persecuted the Muslims, but he did not abuse his power, choosing instead to conquer Mecca with profound humility.

His great mercy and compassion deeply impressed the tribes of Mecca, and a great number embraced Islam.

The Farewell Pilgrimage

Muhammad, accompanied by more than 50,000 Muslims, performed the final pilgrimage of his life to the Kaaba in Mecca. Standing on top of Mount Arafat in the Uranah Valley, he delivered his last speech, also known as the Last Sermon, with Messages that would resound through time. He spoke of the equality of humankind, of women’s rights, of fraternity, of doing good, of never oppressing anyone, and of enjoining human rights and justice.

His Final Breath

Soon after the Last Sermon, Muhammad fell very ill as he had expected with a fever that weakened him greatly. Though frail, he led his last prayer in the mosque in Medina. His final moments were with his wife Aishah. He rested his head in her lap while she stroked his head. Suddenly she felt his head become heavier. He had breathed his last breath.

He died in 632 aged 63.

His Legacy

Muhammad caused a revolution in the space of 23 years, shaping the course of history we see today. He never proclaimed himself as Divine, but sought to warn mankind as a Messenger of God. His commitment to the enduring values of justice, freedom, fraternity, charity and equality carried a universal Message. What began as a small band of followers in 17th century Arabia has now grown to a global community of 1.5 billion.

Muslims everywhere model their own lives on Muhammad’s behavior, from prayer to belief, personal hygiene to community involvement. And this one man continues to inspire millions of lives around the world.

His legacy will continue to live on.

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