It should be noticed that in what we have examined so far, that is, that the activities of Masons in countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Russia, clearly shows that the goal of Masonry was socio-political revolution. Masonry wanted to establish a new order in which religious institutions and religious faith are eradicated, and to this end has attempted to topple the monarchies in those countries. In many European countries, Masonic lodges became rallying centers for opponents of religion, where coups, uprisings, assassinations, political plots and anti-religious politics were conspired. Behind all such activities, whether on a small or grand scale, which have occurred since the French Revolution in 1789 to the twentieth century, is found the influence of Masonry.
According to the English historian Michael Howard, Masonic lodges concentrated their efforts in the second half of the nineteenth century to overthrow the two remaining important Empires: the Austro-Hungarian and the Russian Empires, and were able to achieve their goal as a result of the World War One.
In other words, at the beginning of the twentieth century, Masonry had, in great measure, achieved its goal of socio-political revolution.
Therefore, the twentieth century was not one of Masonic revolutions. Thinking they have no more obstacles to confront, Masons prefer to merely disseminate their philosophy instead of hatching political plots. They spread their materialist and humanist philosophy to the masses under the guise of science, or by means of art, the media, literature, music and all manner of popular culture. Masons do not intend by this propaganda to eradicate the Divine religions in a sudden revolution; they want to achieve this over the long-term, and to initiate all people into their philosophy only little by little.
An American Mason sums up this method as follows:
Freemasonry does its work silently, but it is the work of a deep river, that silently pushes on towards the ocean.137
High Priest J.W. Taylor, from the state of Georgia in the USA, makes this interesting comment on the same matter:
The abandonment of old themes and the formation of new ones do not always arise from the immediately perceptible cause which the world assigns, but are the culmination of principles which have been working in the minds of men for many years, until at last the proper time and propitious surroundings kindle the latent truth into life… enthusing all with a mighty common cause and moving nations as one man to the accomplishment of great ends. On this principle does the Institution of Freemasonry diffuse its influence to the world of mankind. It works quietly and secretly, but penetrates through all the interstices of society in its many relations, and the recipients of its many favors are awed by its grand achievements, but cannot tell whence it came.138
According to Voice magazine, published by the Grand Lodge in Chicago, "So, silently but surely and continually, it [Masonry] builds into the great fabric of human society"139 This "building into the great fabric" will come about when the basics of Masonic philosophy—materialism, humanism and Darwinism—are imposed on society.
The most interesting aspect of this silent and remote strategy is that those Masons who are carrying it out almost never reveal that it is being done in the name of Masonry. They do their work under different identities, titles and in different positions of power, but they impose a commonly espoused philosophy they adopted through Masonry, on society. One of Turkish Masonry's Master Masons, Halil Mulkus, explained this matter in an interview a few years ago:
Masonry as Masonry does not do anything. Masonry guides individuals and individuals who are trained here, and Masons who contribute to the production of intellectual development are at various levels in their careers in the places where they live in the world. They are rectors of universities, professors, ministers of state, doctors, head administrators in hospitals, lawyers, etc. Wherever they live they are zealous to spread to society the Masonic ideas in which they have been trained.140
However, these ideas, which Masonry persistently studies and tries to indoctrinate to society are nothing more, as we have seen in earlier sections, than deceit. Masonry's philosophy stems from sources such as the myths of Ancient Egypt and Greece, and in their eagerness to transmit these myths to society, wrapped in the package of science and reason, Masons deceive both themselves and others. In an age of globalization, this is the role of "Global Freemasonry."
The result of this deceit is very detrimental. The program of alienating the masses from religion, carried out by Masonry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, gave rise to neo-pagan ideologies such as racism and fascism, and secular and violent ideologies such as communism. The spread of social Darwinism deemed people to be animals struggling for their existence, the brutal results of which came about in the second half of the nineteenth century and in the twentieth century. World War One was the work of European leaders who, as a result of Darwin's suggestions, regarded war and bloodshed as a biological necessity. During that war, 10 million people went to their deaths, for nothing. World War Two that followed it, and in which 55 million people perished, was again the work of totalitarianism, like fascism and communism, that was the result of the seeds of militant secularism sown by the Masons. Throughout the whole world, during the twentieth century, all the destructive wars, conflicts, cruelty, injustice, exploitation, hunger, and moral degradation, basically, were products of irreligious philosophies and ideologies. (For details, see Harun Yahya's The Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity)
In short, the philosophy of Masonry has yielded bitter fruit. It could not be otherwise as that is a Divine law. Historically, those pagan peoples who rejected the religion of Allah, in preference of their traditional mythology and the religion of their ancestors, followed the road to destruction. Freemasonry, a contemporary manifestation of this paganism, is drawing the whole world, and themselves, into ruin.
It is for this reason that human beings must protect themselves from this potential calamity, by overcoming the intimations of what Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, a renowned Islamic scholar, referred to as "the disease called materialism and naturalism," and in this way preserve the faith of the masses.
Masonry has been one of most interesting phenomena of the past two centuries. Naturally, it has attracted attention because of its closed, reserved and mystical character. At the same time, an antipathy to Masonry has arisen; it attempts to advertise itself as a "harmless charitable institution," while a determined opposition to Masonry has grown as a result of the contradictory claims of the organization.
However, what must be done in order to oppose Masonry is not to adopt a blind anti-Masonic agenda, but to discern and show the invalidity of the perverse philosophy that this organization espouses and imposes on humanity.
The great Islamic scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi describes in one paragraph the main outline of such a duty:
A tyrannical current born of Naturalist and Materialist philosophy will gradually become strong and spread at the end of time by means of materialist philosophy, reaching such a degree that it denies God… 141
In other words, the current of materialist ideas that will emerge in the end times will go so far as to deny the existence of Allah. In response, it must be shown what a great and irrational deception this is, and the proofs of the existence of Allah as revealed in the Qur'an must be made known.
This is the way of the intellectual struggle that must be waged against Masonry. The important thing to do is to invalidate and overcome Masonic philosophy. It is of the greatest importance to destroy the influence of the ideas of this organization, that silently and from a distance carries out its mass propaganda campaign, and distances people from their faith and draws them away from religious moral values and to materialist, humanist and Darwinist myths. Obviously, an ideologically defeated philosophy can no longer be effective. Moreover, it is also necessary to tell people about the existence of Allah, His Unity, and the truth of religion, and to show them the true path in the light of the scientific facts. Actually, this intellectual undertaking cannot be regarded merely as a struggle against Masonry because the goal is also to save Masons, who are themselves deceived. One verse in the Qur'an about the unbelieving people of 'Ad and Thamud indicates the situation of Masons: "Satan made their actions seem good to them and so debarred them from the Way, even though they were intelligent people." (Surat al-‘Ankabut: 38)
The goal is to show the truth to all people, including Masons, and to save them from their error.
It needs to be made clear that science that Masons have used supposedly in support of their philosophy for the past two hundred years, has now turned against them. The theory of evolution, the foundation of the materialist world view, has been in severe decline since the 1970's. The fossil record clearly denies the claims of this theory, by revealing that species appeared abruptly and fully formed, without an "evolutionary ancestor." Biochemistry, examining minute aspects of living things, has demonstrated marvelous instances that cannot be explained in terms of natural causes. Genetic comparisons have shown that species supposed to be close relatives, according to the Darwinist "tree of life," are in fact very distinct in terms of genetic make-up. Science has proven the invalidity of the theory of evolution, a fact that cannot be hidden any longer by evolutionists. It is necessary to use the evidences that science has brought forward and inform the masses of the invalidity of materialist-humanist philosophy.
Masonry has been able for some time and with effective methods of propaganda to make the masses accept a false idea. To tell the truth and aid people in accepting it is much easier.
When Muslims undertake this duty, with Allah's permission, the following pronouncement will become manifest: "Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away!" (Surat al-Anbiya’:18)
Then, the twenty-first century will not be the century of "Global Freemasonry" as the Masons had hoped, but the century of Islamic morality.
The roots of Masonry date back to the Crusades against Muslims initiated by Pope Urban II
The Crusaders wreaked havoc in Jerusalem. The Mediaeval engraving shown above depicts certain scenes of the horror.
The Crusaders put to sword all those living in the lands they conquered.
Templars developed a pagan faith in Christian guise.
Templars fleeing the Church were given refuge by the Scottish king, Robert the Bruce .
The Warriors and the Bankers: A book about the Templars
The magazine Mimar Sinan, a private Turkish Masonic publication intended for its own members.
The church known as "Rosslyn Chapel" near Edinburgh in Scotland is recognized as a symbol of the heretical pagan beliefs of the Templars. In the course of the construction of this edifice, Masons and Rosicrucians, the successors of the Templars, were employed, and decorated the whole chapel with symbols representative of their pagan philosophy.
In a publication of Turkish Masonry, the magazine Mimar Sinan, the Masonic origins and the pagan elements of the chapel are described in these words:
The most convincing proof of the unity of the Templars and the Masons in Scotland is the castle and chapel in the village of Roslin, 10 km. south of Edinburgh and 15 km. from the ancient Templar center at Balantrodoch. The Templars lived in this region and in this castle especially after 1312 under the protection of the Barons of St. Clair.
...The chapel was built between 1446-48 by Sir William St. Clair who was one of the most prominent nobles of the time in Scotland and even in Europe. Masons and Rosicrucians worked on the construction. The chief architect of the work was the Templar Grand Master, Sir William St. Clair who brought itinerant mason architects and stone masons from every part of Europe. New houses were built in the near-by village of Roslin and a lodge was opened…
The plan and decoration of the chapel is unique. There is no other such example in Scotland or even Europe. It captured the atmosphere of Herod's temple very well and every part of it was decorated with Masonic symbols. Among the symbols were reliefs on the walls and arches depicting the heads of Hiram and his murderer, a relief of an initiation ceremony, the keystones of the arches, and compasses. Apart from the fact that the chapel was constructed in a marked pagan style with Egyptian, Hebrew, Gothic, Norman, Celtic, Scandinavian, Templar and Masonic architectural elements, and that it contains very rich examples of stone work, one of the most interesting aspects of it is that the tops of the columns are decorated with cactus and corn motifs, besides various other plants figures. …
There are so many pagan decorative elements inside the chapel that a priest, writing an account of the baptism he performed of the Baron of Rosslyn in 1589 complained, "because the chapel is filled with pagan idols, there is no place appropriate to administer the Sacrament. In August 31, 1592, as a result of pressure exerted on Baron Oliver St.Claire of Rosslyn, the chapel's pagan-style altar was destroyed. (Tamer Ayan, "The Oldest Known Masonic Institution-the Scottish Royal Order," Mimar Sinan, 1998, No.110, pp.18-19)
Rosslyn Chapel at the present time and an example of its pagan symbols.
The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons, and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus
Traces remain in the Kabbalah, external to Judaism. These stem from the pagan beliefs of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
An Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script
The most important supporters of Pharaoh's regime in Ancient Egypt was the priestly class (magicians). Their beliefs later formed the roots of the Kabbalah and were transmitted from there to Masonry.
The "world-view" of Ancient Egypt did not remain buried with these statues, but was carried down to the present day. By those secret societies that see themselves as the heirs of Ancient Egypt…
The statue that the Jews worshipped when they departed from their true religion was, according to many researchers, was an Egyptian idol made of gold in the form of a calf.
Another Ancient Egyptian idol: Hathor, the golden calf.
An Ancient Egyptian statue of Hathor.
A sefiroth is one of the most blatant expressions of the distorted teachings of the Kabbalah.
The figure composed of circles on the Kabbalistic engraving on the right is a sefiroth. Kabbalists attempt to explain the process of creation by means of the sefiroth. The scenario they propose is really a pagan myth totally at odds with the facts revealed in holy books.
Some Jews, influenced by the cultures of the pagan civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, turned away from the Torah that Allah gave them as a guide, and began to worship various material objects. Above is pictured a pagan temple to the sun.
The Kabbalah's teaching about the origins of the universe and living things is a story replete with myths totally contrary to the facts of Creation revealed in holy books.
A model of Solomon's Temple. The Templars and Masons, because of their superstitious beliefs concerning the Prophet Solomon (pbuh), believe that there is a "secret" in this temple passed down from ancient pagan civilizations. It is for this reason that Masonic literature places so much emphasis on the temple of Solomon.
Today, humanism has become another name for atheism. One example of this is the enthusiasm for Darwin typical in the American magazine, The Humanist.
John Lennon, by his lyrics, "Imagine [there is] is no religion," was one of the most prominent propagandists of humanist philosophy in the twentieth century.
Contrary to the promises of humanist philosophy, atheism have brought only war, conflict, cruelty and suffering to the world.
As Vatican University historian Malachi Martin has shown, there is a close relationship between the rise of humanism in Europe and the Kabbalah….
Some Masonic symbols.
Pico della Mirandola, a Kabbalist humanist.
The Masonic theory of "humanist morality" is extremely deceptive. History shows that, in societies where religion has been destroyed, there is no morality and only strife and disorder. The picture on the left shows the savagery of the French Revolution and portrays the real results of humanism.
Another violent scene of the French Revolution.
The guillotine, the French Revolution's implement of brutality.
G. E. Lessing and E. Renan. The Masons wanted to realize the dream of these two atheist writers in eradicating religion from the face of the earth.
The Ancient Egyptians believed in the myth that matter was eternal, and that the order of the universe arose due to a mythical "self-organizational" power of matter.
Modern Masonry preserved Ancient Egyptian philosophy and uses symbols to give it expression. In the above photograph of a lodge, the Pharaoh's image on the front of the altar is an example of this symbolism.
At the entrance of the Grand Masonic Lodge in Washington D. C. there are two Ancient Egyptian sphinxes.
Above, left and below: Representations of Masonic temples
A depiction of the Ancient Egyptian city of Memphis. The Masons regard this city, with its numerous pagan temples, as the "source of light."
Among the most important Masonic symbols taken from Ancient Egypt is the pyramid with an eye within a triangle. The pyramid on the Great Seal of the USA (left) is the great pyramid of Cheops. The eye is a frequent symbol on Ancient Egyptian engravings. (bottom)
One of Masonry's most important symbols is the six-pointed star.
The six-pointed star is the seal of a Prophet and a Divine symbol. However,
Masons interpret it according to the pagan beliefs of Ancient Egypt.
Various Masonic symbols: The double column, the eye, and the compass and the square.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
An obelisk covered with Masonic symbols in New York's Central Park.
Remains from Ancient Egypt: Monuments of pharaohs with an obelisk rising in front of them in the Valley of the Kings.
An Ancient Egyptian depiction of Isis.
Albert Pike and a Masonic medallion produced in his memory.
The compass and square depicted with the eagle, one of Ancient Egypt's most important symbols.
The materialist theories in Masonic literature are no different from those found in the writings of materialist ideologues such as Marx, Engels and Lenin.
Masons believe in materialism and reject the idea of life after death. Sometimes the concept of life after death appears in Masonic texts, but, as in the myth of Hiram depicted here (left), what is meant by it is the continuation of the memory of a person's name in this world.
Prof. Penrose maintains that materialism can never account for the human mind.
Materialism believes in the creative ability of lifeless and unconscious matter. In other words, it turns matter into an idol. Masons believe that atoms have spirit and openly admit to their belief in such a superstition.
Pagans of bygone ages worshipped idols made of stone. Today's pagans idolize matter.
A relief from the pagan civilization of Mesopotamia.
The theory of evolution is not an original discovery of Darwin's. He did nothing more than re-apply an old superstitious philosophy.
The theory of materialist evolution was developed by the pagan philosophers in Ancient Greece.
The first to promote the theory of evolution in modern Europe were members of the Masonic society known as the Rosicrucians. Above: the symbol of the Rosicrucians.
The symbol shown above is used in Masonic lodges, and is a Rosicrucian symbol (the rose and the cross) combined with a Masonic symbol (the compass and square).
Revolution: France was turned into a sea of blood.
In his book, Reflections on the Revolution in France, Edmund Burke showed the destructive effects of the French Revolution and the Enlightenment.
Voltaire, Diderot and the "Encyclopedists": The Masonic leaders of the Enlightenment and the fierce opponents of religion.
Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin's grandfather was a "Master Mason."
Erasmus Darwin's book Zoonomia, in which he laid the foundations for the theory of evolution.
Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin
Pope Leo XIII
Thomas Huxley, a fanatical supporter of Darwin.
Darwin's theory seemed plausible to some due to the primitive level of scientific knowledge and meager evidence in the nineteenth century.
Because of the rudimentary scientific understanding of his day, Aristotle proposed certain mythical explanations still accepted today in Masonic literature.
When we look at Masonic literature, apart from their blind attachment to the theory of evolution, we are struck by its profound ignorance. For example, when we examine Turkish sources, we see that evolutionist claims that were proved false in the first quarter of the twentieth century are still defended passionately. One of these is the story of Haeckel and his theory on embryos mentioned in nearly all Masonic publications.
The story is about a German biologist by the name of Ernst Haeckel, who was a close friend and supporter of Charles Darwin, and one of the most prominent supporters of the theory after Darwin's death. In order to establish the validity of the theory, Haeckel examined the embryos of various living things, and proposed that they all resembled one another and that each undergoes a miniature process of evolution before birth. To support this claim, he drew a number of comparisons between different embryos, by means of which he persuaded many of the validity of the theory of evolution in the first half of the twentieth century.
As we mentioned, Masonic sources place great importance on this embryology thesis, which is termed "'ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." Master Naki Cevad Akkerman, in an article entitled "The Concept of Truth and the Principles of Masonry" in Mimar Sinan, calls this thesis a "law," that is, he raises it to the rank of undisputable scientific fact. He writes:
…We will consider a very important natural law. This is the formula proposed by Haeckel, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." If we take a human being as an example, the meaning of the law is as follows: The morphological changes and changes in the order and function of the organs that a human being undergoes, from the first cellular formation in his mother's womb, until he is born and during his life until he dies, is nothing more than a recapitulation of the changes that he has undergone since the beginning, from his initial cellular formation in earth and in water until today.1
Master Mason Selami Isindag also places great importance on Haeckel's theory. In an article entitled "Masonic Doctrines" he writes "In his experiments, Darwin proved that various species of animals first developed from a single cell and later from a single species." Then he adds:
Haeckel made studies supporting all these experimental findings. He believed that the most basic animal, the Monera, became an organic living thing from inorganic material elements. He demonstrated that there was a unity at the basis of everything. This Monism is a combination of matter and spirit. These are two aspects of the substance that forms their basis. What Masonry believes is in conformity with these scientific and experimental findings.2
In another Masonic text Haeckel is referred to as a "great scholar," and his thesis that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" is claimed as proof of the theory of evolution.3
However, the Ernst Haeckel that Masons believe to be a great scholar was an imposter who deliberately falsified scientific discoveries, and the thesis they accept as a "law" (ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny) is one of the greatest deceits in the history of science.
This deceit is found in the drawings of embryos made by Haeckel. In order to demonstrate the similarity between the embryos of human beings, chickens, rabbits, salamanders, which in reality shared no such resemblance to each other, he falsified the drawings. In some cases, he took the organs out of the embryos, in other cases he added organs. Moreover, he altered the actual size of the embryos in an attempt to show them as all the same size. In short, Haeckel conducted this falsification in order to fabricate evidence where there otherwise was none. The reputable science journal by the name of Science contained an article in its September 5 1997 edition that stated: "In reality…even closely related embryos such as those of fish vary quite a bit in their appearance and developmental pathway…It (Haeckel's drawings) looks like it's turning out to be one of the most famous fakes in biology."4
Interestingly, this deception has long been recognized for many years. Haeckel's drawings were shown to be falsifications already in his own lifetime (1910), with he himself admitted to it. In an article published in American Scientist we read: "Surely the biogenetic law is as dead as a doornail… As a topic of serious theoretical inquiry it was extinct in the twenties…"5
In spite of this, evolutionists continued to use these drawings for decades with the sole intention of deceiving the masses who had no knowledge of the topic.
There is only one reason why Masons regard Haeckel's theory as a proof for the theory of evolution, and think of him as a great scholar: The Masons' dedication to the theory of evolution is not based on their passion for knowledge and truth, as they claim, but, on the contrary, out of ignorance.
1 Naki Cevad Akkerman, Mimar Sinan, No. 1, p.13
2 Selami Isindag, Masonluk Öğretileri, Masonluktan Esinlenmeler (Inspirations from Freemasonry), Istanbul, p.137
3 Selami Isindag, Din Açısından Mason Öğretisi (Masonic Doctrine According to Religion), Akasya Tekamül Mahfili Publications, p.10
4 Elizabeth Pennisi, "Haeckel's Embryos: Fraud Rediscovered," Science, September 5, 1997
5 Keith S. Thompson, "Ontogeny and Phylogeny Recaputilated", American Scientist, vol. 76, p.273
Masonry is the continuation of narrow-minded traditionalism. Modern Masonry maintains the same superstitious beliefs that their "brothers" have defended uncritically for centuries.
An expression of Masonry's traditionalism: symbols that have not changed for centuries.
The rules that have been accepted as Masonry's constitution have been preserved unchanged for centuries.
A depiction of strange ceremonies in an eighteenth century Masonic lodge.
An illustration of an eighteenth century French Masonic lodge.
Otto von Bismarck
When the Nazis came to power, an anti-religious campaign, worse than that of Bismarck, was initiated.
A publication of Italian Masonry.
Giuseppe Mazzini and Count di Cavour: two Master Masons who brought the Papal State to an end.
Masonic propaganda depicting Garibaldi as a great hero.
Renowned writer Pushkin was among the Masons who organized the Mason-perpetrated coup attempt in Russia.
Masons want to make the whole world a "temple." But, the temple they envision is not the temple of true religion but of humanism. Their dream is of a perverted world in which humanity is idolized, where people have completely rejected true religion, and the evolutionist philosophy is regarded as the only true philosophy.
In a Masonic text, a strange ceremony organized for this intention is described:
Today, one universal religion is coming into being, slowly as it may be, that can satisfy consciousness in its full meaning… Parallel to this universal religion a morality will be established commensurate with a world-view… Such a religion will unite human beings in the universe. This is MASONRY. This religion will be passed from heart to heart. The temples of this religion will be temples of humanity. Among the hymns sung in this temple may be Beethoven's 9th Symphony, the most noble musical composition that ever sprang from the human spirit….
Instead of the meat and blood of a bull in the ceremonies of Mithras, we celebrate this birth by eating bread and drinking red wine. Here we unite in a common faith that has the character of a communion. In a new year, I want to baptize this holy struggle of ours and bring it to an end: Eat one more piece of bread, brothers, you are the missionaries of this religion, let those saints who share this bread be friends. Brothers, to be blood brothers, take another sip of flame from your wine glass. (Mason, Year: 29, No.40-41, 1981, pp. 105-107)
The materialist-humanist dogma espoused by the Masons has brought great suffering upon humanity in the twentieth century. World War Two cost 55 million people their lives. This photograph of a fallen soldier, whose face was shattered by a bomb near Stalingrad, is just one example of the great human suffering that was created by "humanist" ideologies.
Freemasonry is a subject that has attracted much discussion for centuries. Some have accused Masonry of fantastic crimes and misdeeds. However, instead of trying to understand "the Brotherhood" and criticizing it objectively, critics have been unduly hostile to the organization.
This book contains a true exposition of Masonry as a school of thought. The most important unifying influence among Masons is their philosophy—which can be best described according to such terms as "materialism" and "secular humanism." But, it is an errant philosophy based on false suppositions and flawed theories, as you will see in this book.
In this book, the reader will also be presented with a summary of the history of the Masons’ struggle against theistic religions. Freemasons have played an important role in distancing Europe from religious moral values, and in their place, founding of a new order based on the philosophies of materialism and secular humanism. The reader will also see how Masonry has been influential in the imposition of these dogmas—and a social order based on them—on non-Western civilizations.
After reading this book, the reader will be able to consider many aspects, from schools of philosophy to newspaper headlines, rock songs to political ideologies, with a deeper understanding, and better discern the meaning and aims behind events and factors.